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Thread started by Springbank

Daniel Klink
added a new photoalbum.
60 23 October 2021, 19:54
Following! (one more time 😉 )
 23 October 2021, 20:00
Daniel Klink Author
Welcome Mate to another Zero Built...
Still the Type 21 and a 5c are waiting 🙂
 23 October 2021, 20:28
First row, please!
 23 October 2021, 20:31
Daniel Klink Author
Welcome and still free choice Sir 👍
 23 October 2021, 21:34
Alec K
Guys, save me a seat!
 23 October 2021, 21:37
Alec K
Daniel, you are making me want to build a Zero 👍
 23 October 2021, 21:38
Daniel Klink Author
Hi alec, glad to see you in first row too!👍
Just do it, there are mor than enough excellent kits to work with 🙂
 24 October 2021, 21:19
akira kita
I'm looking forward to your work.👍
I am also considering type 22 as the next 1/32 Japanese airplane theme for my model club. 🙂
 24 October 2021, 23:36
Adam Gudynowski
Following 👍
 25 October 2021, 07:15
Robin (WhiteGlint)
I'll grab a seat. 🙂
 25 October 2021, 11:14
Roberto Rocat
I'm in, too 👍
 29 October 2021, 19:35
James C
👀 👍
 30 October 2021, 15:05
Alex Rodionov
WoW. Very interesting build. Follow.
 30 October 2021, 15:57
Daniel Klink Author
Welcome mates, glad that the first rows are filling up 👍
 1 November 2021, 16:08
Bruce Huxtable
Very nice details in the cockpit 👍
 5 November 2021, 23:28
Daniel Klink Author
Thanks Bruce, very much appreciated👍
 6 November 2021, 14:01
Guy Rump
Following, looking good 👍
 6 November 2021, 14:23
Daniel Klink Author
A warm welcome to you mate!👍
 6 November 2021, 19:05
James C
Off to a great start Daniel 👍
 6 November 2021, 20:31
Daniel Klink Author
Thank you for your attendance James 👍
 6 November 2021, 22:00
Nice start 👍
 7 November 2021, 18:12
Daniel Klink Author
Thank you Mate, and welcome👍
 8 November 2021, 10:15
Alex Rodionov
WoW. Fantastic realisation of interior. 👍👍👍
 8 November 2021, 11:03
Daniel Klink Author
Thank you Alex very much appreciated words👍👍
But the merits belong to Tamiya's excellent tooling😉
 8 November 2021, 14:03
Mark K
I concur with Alex - amazing interior work!
 29 November 2021, 06:16
Daniel Klink Author
Thank you Mark, very much appreciated! 👍
 9 December 2021, 23:25
Alec K
Preshading looks great Daniel 👍
 10 December 2021, 12:38
Simon Nagorsnik
Like the cockpit- good job👌
 10 December 2021, 12:50
Giannis Kaltapanidis
That looks promising... Taking a seat!
I see you have a thing for japanese planes Daniel
 10 December 2021, 12:58
Daniel Klink Author
Thank you Alec, Simon and Giannis - your nice an warm comments are very much appreciated mates👍
@Giannis... Seems a bit doesn't it? 🙂
 10 December 2021, 16:07
James C
Thats another fantastic looking paint job 👍
 10 December 2021, 16:41
Daniel, the Japanese pre-shading expert 😉
 10 December 2021, 20:16
Robin (WhiteGlint)
That's a great green 👍
 10 December 2021, 20:28
Daniel Klink Author
Thank you guys!
Those words are really honoring my Efforts👍
 10 December 2021, 21:55
Fabulous detailing for a 1/72. Well done.
 10 December 2021, 22:07
Daniel Klink Author
Thank you very much Rewop for your encouraging words!👍
And finished!
 11 December 2021, 09:21
Guy Rump
Another excellent build Daniel, love the dio too! 👍
 11 December 2021, 12:00
James C
Nice work mate 👍
 11 December 2021, 16:34
Simon Nagorsnik
Nice finish!, that's good work mate!
Like your pre shading and the chips👍
Good looking pics
 11 December 2021, 16:38
Very nice model and fantastic result, Daniel. You should shoot all your awesome Zeros together 😉
 11 December 2021, 18:18
Daniel Klink Author
Thanks Gary, James, simon and cuajete very very much appreciated and good to see you did not getring bored with the green Hinomaru thingis😉
 11 December 2021, 19:04
Bas Tonn
Good presentation in the black and white
 11 December 2021, 19:15
Mirko Römer
Finally something japanese! 😉 Looks awesome!
 11 December 2021, 20:54
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Beautiful result, Daniel. 👍
Yeah, a "family photo" would be nice 😄
 11 December 2021, 21:10
Alec K
Modeling samurai in action 👍 🙂
 12 December 2021, 14:36
Daniel Klink Author
Thanks Mates👍😉
Always a pleasure to read your comments👍
So a Trio has been finished! 4 versions are left to do to complete
The Zero line😉 ThecEarliest and the latest😉
 12 December 2021, 21:22
James C
They look great posed together like that! Awesome work mate 👍👍👍
 12 December 2021, 21:25
akira kita
Totemo yoi REISEN! (^o^)
 13 December 2021, 00:27
Gary Victory
Really nice collection of Zero's Daniel. Well done Sir.
 13 December 2021, 07:43
Robin (WhiteGlint)
A very nice collection. Thank you for the photo. Another one will be necessary, when the collection is complete.
Looking forward to the other four. 😄 👍
 13 December 2021, 09:09
Very nice trio, Daniel!
Many thanks for the pic... Waiting for the other 4 to complete the Zero family 😉
 13 December 2021, 11:02
Roberto Rocat
Great work, beautiful Zero collection 👍
 13 December 2021, 15:30
Simon Nagorsnik
I can only join in with the others, i would also like to see how the whole family comes together😄
 13 December 2021, 17:40
Jan Peters
Great job Daniel, and a sub-zero cool collection 👍🏻
 13 December 2021, 18:01
 13 December 2021, 18:46
Daniel Klink Author
Glad you like it Mates! Your words are very much appreciated... Thank you 👍
 5 January 2022, 12:47
Guy Rump
Great collection of Zeros 👍
 5 January 2022, 18:02
Daniel Klink Author
Thanks Guy, very much appreciated 👍
 6 January 2022, 21:42
Daniel Klink Author
What a difference if one uses a neutral cardboard background.
 7 July 2023, 19:31
My talking for years 😛
1  7 July 2023, 19:33

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