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Thread started by Redicus

added a new photoalbum.
79 24 October 2021, 20:08
James C
Very nice work 👍
 24 October 2021, 20:13
Alec K
Very well done indeed 👍
 24 October 2021, 20:53
Simon Nagorsnik
A awesome looking jet!
Great result in 1/72- nice work😃
 25 October 2021, 17:47
Marius Author
Thank you guys! Yeah, the Tornado definitely is a cool jet. Prepare to get spammed with another 7 of them in the coming month. I just need to take decent pictures of them.
 25 October 2021, 17:58
Guy Rump
Beautiful! 👍
 25 October 2021, 18:11
Alex Rodionov
Just excellent model, paint job and weathering. 👍
 25 October 2021, 18:22
Marius Author
Thank you guys!
 25 October 2021, 19:34
Tommy Agne
Excellent Job, Marius.👍.
 25 October 2021, 20:23
Very nice work. 👍
 25 October 2021, 20:50
Marce Casado García
Very good work Marius. I really like how you left it.
The Tornado has been an airplane that I have always liked a lot.
If you allow me the comment as an anecdote. At the 2016 Tiger Meet, I saw two German Tornadoes and it's amazing how dirty they could get.
 25 October 2021, 21:06
Konrad -
Awesome! Nice camo and weapons config. 👍!
 26 October 2021, 07:13
Top build and presentation!
 26 October 2021, 08:04
Marius Author
Thank you so much guys! It's definitely not perfect. I find it annoying that there is no detailing set for the fuselage pylons, which are just flat on the underside.

Indeed the Tornado was and still is a dirty machine, especially the German ones for some reaso . I have no idea what the reason is. They were extensively used at some point, but I guess the ground crew doesn't operate with medical gloves and tiddy, shinny new shoes either.
 26 October 2021, 13:27
Oliver Zwiener
Klasse Ding - die Norm 87E gefällt mir 1000 mal besser als das heutige hell graublau 👍
 26 October 2021, 15:48
Marius Author
Das sehe ich auch so! Ich finde auch die Norm 76 von MFG1 super! Das kommt auch noch.
 26 October 2021, 17:45
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Beautiful Tornado! 👍
 26 October 2021, 19:21
Marius Author
Thank you!
 27 October 2021, 04:54
Harry Eder
Very nice Tornado 👍
 27 October 2021, 05:25
Michael Kohl
Great result on this scale. Another one on the bucket list. Would appreciate one or two pics of the building process too.
 27 October 2021, 05:34
Björn Leichsenring
awesome paintjob. Fantastic.
 27 October 2021, 07:56
Marius Author
Thank you so much guys. Unfortunately I have no pictures from the building process.
 28 October 2021, 20:01
Daniel Klink
Wonderful weathering! 👍
 28 October 2021, 20:24
Mid Franconian
Also this Tornado is spot-on! Great! Good idea to use the Eduard Komorans.
 3 January 2022, 19:47
Rui S
Another great work 👍
 16 January 2022, 19:12
Bernd Grün
Outstanding build, paint job and weathering, Marius! 👌👌👌 Love the look of your Tornado.
Did you scratch the starter rails of the Kormoran missiles?
 12 April 2024, 07:26
Marius Author
Thank you Bernd!
The launch rails for the Kormoran missiles are the same ones used also for the AGM-88 HARM missiles, which are included in the Revell kit of the ECR version. So I just used the parts from that kit.

These specific launch rails were mounted both under fuselage and wing pylons, for example here for the AGM-88:

And they were similarily used for the Kormoran:

 12 April 2024, 20:00
Bernd Grün
Thank you for the information. 👍
 13 April 2024, 18:43
The clear parts are less than satisfying in revel's latest tornado ASSTA……
 18 April 2024, 01:39
Christian Lehmann
 18 April 2024, 04:37
Thomas Kolb
I would have thought that it was 1:48. The paintjob and weathering is outstanding.
 18 April 2024, 04:38

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