Modellexpo 08-Open (CANCELLED)
This event is CANCELLED
Evenement details
- Naam:
- Modellexpo 08-Open (CANCELLED)
- Stad:
- Solna
- Organiserende Club:
- IPMS Stockholm
- About:
- Due to the current corona virus isolation measures this event has been cancelled.
- Wedstrijd:
- Het evenement heeft een wedstrijd
- Toegangsprijzen:
- Admission 80 SEK, IPMS members (with proof of membership) and children up to 15 years enter free. Exhibitors and event officers are not charged any admission fee.
Registration fee for competitors (any number of models):
IPMS members
Senior: 80 SEK
Youth (up to and incl 17): 50 SEK
Junior (up to and incl 14): Free
Proof of membership is to be presented at checkin.
Non IPMS members
Senior: 160 SEK
Youth (up to and incl 17 years): 100 SEK
Junior (up to and incl 14 years): Free
This event is CANCELLED
- Datum:
- 25. en 26. April 2020
- Openingstijden:
- 12–16 on Saturday
10–15 on Sunday (award ceremony 15–16)
This event is CANCELLED
- Adres:
- Ankdammsgatan 14–16
17143 Solna - Parkeermogelijkheden:
- Parking is available by Solna C shopping centre a few hundred metres away, as well as on nearby streets.
This event is CANCELLED
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Meer informatie
Alle details van dit evenement zijn te vinden op de Modellexpo 08-Open (CANCELLED) startpagina
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