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Discussie gestart door ZHOU Kun

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637 afbeeldingen
Minibase Su-33 Red 80 in Flight (WIP)View album, image #624
Completed work with diorama base. More black marks are added to the surface, giving it a dynamic look
1:48 Su-33 Flanker-D (Minibase 8001)1:48 Su-33 Flanker-D - 3D print kit upgrade (Minibase 2001)
164 29 March 2022, 15:26
Mark D
Following, I think this will be an extensive WIP? Good luck with this multi-multi parts kit.
 29 March 2022, 17:03
yessss, this will be both informative and epic 👍 Going for a carrier landing?
 29 March 2022, 19:32
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
Yes this is a multi multi parts kit! I am still working on the cockpit tub. The manufaturer has developed a 3D printed set of unloaded landing gear struts, I am going for a another in-flight (gear down and locked position).
 16 April 2022, 11:35
Chan Li
The figure painted fairly nice. One of my friends has been working on this expensive kit as well, following.
 24 April 2022, 08:33
Eric Thornton
+1 following
 24 April 2022, 11:19
Ricardo Reis
Nice, almost no one builds this beats; definitely following; @Zhou, if I may sugest, Edit your album and set the "Teaser" to "Use last image" so that every one can see your last pics first; otherwise, the first image will be always appearing, despite your progress
 26 April 2022, 14:12
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
Thank you @Ricardo Reis. That's is a brilliant suggestion!
 27 April 2022, 05:34
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
@Chan Li @Eric Thornton Thanks for watching
 27 April 2022, 05:35
Chan Li
Nice going.😎
 30 May 2022, 13:40
wow, looking really great
 10 August 2022, 13:47
Fantastic work so far (and a lot of it😅) Fascinating kit 👍
This will be a great guide when I man up and start mine🙂
 10 August 2022, 15:43
Jay Calvert
Great job, love this plane.
 19 September 2022, 15:40
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
Thank you @Daniel and @Jay Calvert. The building thread would address some problems I encounter in my build, with me sharing my own solutions
 16 October 2022, 01:11
Certainly no quickie 😅 thx for all the pics👍🏻
 18 October 2022, 13:29
Villiers de Vos
A lot of added details.
 1 November 2022, 08:49
Fantastic, now I am happy I invested in those aftermarket landing gears as well 👌
 1 November 2022, 20:56
I can only hope to reach your level someday!
 2 December 2022, 17:51
David Taylor
Front leg is a model in its own right.
 2 December 2022, 18:52
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
@Daniel the 3d printed landing gear sets are released with Minibase label. Perhaps there is only weight on wheel version in market now. The weight off wheel version is temporarily out of stock
 8 January 2023, 12:50
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
@Martin thank you so much. I think what one need is practicing and patience. Right now I don't have much time building my models, it is so hard to maintain my skill while not building models. 🙁
 8 January 2023, 12:54
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress.
 8 January 2023, 16:23
Shar Dipree
Great work so far. Following.
 10 June 2023, 05:20
Amazing detail and this kit, and you definitely brought the best out of it with your skills! 👍
Looking very much forward to further progress!
 8 July 2023, 14:39
Coming along very very nicely! 👍
 14 July 2023, 13:36
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
@all thank you for your comments!
 18 July 2023, 06:49
Amazing Zhou! That Minibase kit is one of the most detailed kits I have ever seen and you did it justice! How many hours did you spend on it?
 20 July 2023, 18:22
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress.
 20 July 2023, 20:08
 21 July 2023, 07:21
Guy Rump
Very nice! 👍
 23 July 2023, 17:55
Rui S
Looking good 👍
 1 August 2023, 20:28
Gorgeous engines!
 1 August 2023, 21:09
Villiers de Vos
Very nice effects on the exhaust nozzles.
 3 August 2023, 07:30
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
@CaptGPF Just too many hours. I have other time consuming hobbies like cycling, running. So my plastic model projects usually last long 🙂 This project was started 1.5 years ago.
 11 August 2023, 06:12
Time very well spent, I would say 😉 do not hurry.
 11 August 2023, 11:47
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
@Villiers de Vos @Gianluca @Guy Rump @Rui S @Alexander @Spanjaard
thank you for your kind comments! I am currently on a bussiness trip, the project is currently on a two week halt. I have been doing some color separation. I have worked out a preliminary effect with my airframe, a lot of details are still to address.
 11 August 2023, 13:12
Dominik Weitzer
...i dropped in on page 49....mate....that is incredible. I'm speechless about your work.
 30 October 2023, 13:44
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
@Dominik Weitzer Thank you for your comment! Yes this is an unprecedented project I have ever come to. Extreme amount of work. I am a slow builder with other time comsuming hobbies, and I would like to show the building of this model to detail
 30 October 2023, 15:40
Shar Dipree
Phänomenal work so far. The painting and weathering looks fantastic.
 30 October 2023, 20:29
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
@Shar Dipree thank you! But the weathering has not started yet. I am planning to draw some dust, leakage and drain effect, along with the highlighting the panel lines and rivets
 12 November 2023, 12:49
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work. Your Su-33 resembles a bird of prey.
 12 November 2023, 15:47
I just noticed that the landing gear struts are extended, are you planning to make this into a diorama landing on a carrier deck?
 13 November 2023, 16:30
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
@Villiers de Vos thank you for your comment! I am going to move into final steps with this build.
@CaptGPF the model would be in carrier operation configuration, it would be in the air. I have not decided weather the tail hook would be down yet. I am going to finish the airplane first. Diorama base has not yet been planned yet.
 15 November 2023, 02:20
Chan Li
looks really Russian, joyful to watch your builds 👍
by the way nice hand writing 😁
 21 November 2023, 05:28
Jos Jansen
Amazing craftsmanship... gorgeous Flanker!
 29 November 2023, 12:54
tianyi chen
 1 December 2023, 01:20
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
Thank you @Chan Li @Jos Jansen @tianyi chen it has been a long long build
 22 December 2023, 05:46
Ellis Smith
That is just awesome
 30 December 2023, 13:45
Eric Thornton
Richie loved this kit so much he smashed his finished build with a hammer lol

I don't know if I have the patience for this type of kit. Takes a special breed to build this one.

Looks amazing.

 10 January 2024, 11:07
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
@Ellis Smith Thank you!

@Eric Thornton This kit do need more patience since it has more than 600 parts, yet it would be possible to finish if you don't hurry. Make only one part at one time, enjoy the progress 🙂 I am just an average skilled modeler who do not have much time at the workbench, time is the ingredient to solve the difficulties:-D

Would you mind if you share some of Richie's works
 14 January 2024, 13:18
average skilled? quite an understatement, 😉
talent, skill and patience, you have plenty. skills can be learned, but patience is a lot more difficult to master 😉
 14 January 2024, 18:29
Spanjaard said the right words.
 15 January 2024, 10:33
Jennifer Franklin
This is remarkable, lovely work, awaiting the final reveal with my breath held.
 1 February 2024, 02:34
Looking forward to that as well 👍 I got the feeling I bought another shelf queen😅...this one needs a lot of long term motivation - but you prove it can be done 👍
 2 February 2024, 12:12
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
@Spanjaard @Neuling patience may work better than skills when building this kit 🙂

@Jennifer Franklin thank you!

@Daniel I recommend breaking the build into multiple small steps. There are too many sub-systems to deal with, each one is a delicate model itself

 5 February 2024, 11:50
Excellent build! I really like the colours. They are spot on! You used Mr. Color, right? Best ragards!!!
 28 February 2024, 14:19
ZHOU Kun Schrijver
@S B Yes I used mainly Mr. Color!
 9 March 2024, 01:24
Miguel Vaquero
Wow, just wow. Incredible!! Looks so real
 21 March 2024, 17:48

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