Discussie gestart door Lode

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59 29 November 2023, 11:41

Well Lode your doing my favourite WW2 warship so I am definitely in.Are you doing early or late fit out.
29 November 2023, 14:59

Looks like you drilled out the port holes on the bow, any special plans for the port holes?
29 November 2023, 15:30

David, one of my favorite ships too. The build is for my eldest son. I do her in her 1942 camp when she was deployed in the Indian Ocean. I like that block scheme, just a bit of a hell to mask 😉
Treehugger, drilled out to put the windows in the portholes
James, Agnius, welcome on board 🙂
29 November 2023, 17:29

finally, new build 🙂 you have been working on her in stealth mode for a while 😉
29 November 2023, 18:40

David, probably I will
Spanjaard, no stealth mode 🙂. Started this build 6 weeks ago. Extremely fast for me
Martin, you should. You sold me the kit
Thanks, Hans-Jürgen
29 November 2023, 22:22

Jan, Rui, glad to have you here
Urban, it seems to be the favorite ship of many people. Including me, it is one of my favorite ships.
1 December 2023, 07:41

She was in many battles,Norway the Med ,mined and hit by Fritz X bombs and after all that scrapped a very sad end.the Elizabeth class definitely gave value for money.
1 December 2023, 14:13

David, I can only agree that such a decorated ship had in such a sad way
Tom, unfortunately, a lot can go wrong, but that depends on the skills of the builder, and I'm far from perfection
Jennifer, thank you. I like this camo more than her final one, but it is a masking tape consuming one 🙂
23 January 2024, 08:48

Looking stunning as always Lode. I really like the subtle weathering that you've applied. Nicely done mate. 👍
22 April 2024, 17:56

Thank you, Michael
David, I had no option than trying to give her the credits she desserved
Jan, Shar, much appreciated
James, you showed me the way on working with oils. I'm very grateful. It allows me to do a subtle weathering. Learned from the master
22 April 2024, 20:55

I absolutely love picture 43 at waterline level. It shows the shape of the hull and radiates the power these ships had.
Imagine being an enemy ship and this shows up from a North Sea fog at close range.
Another masterpiece!
23 April 2024, 05:09

Martin, thank you for your very nice compliment. Personally, I also think it's one of the best photos. Your description of it typifies what I think of the Warspite. Thanks, mate
23 April 2024, 05:54

Very impressive built, superb. You have a good eye for the weathering, too, which greatly adds to the finished 'look'.
9 May 2024, 07:06

Martin, it wasn't the finished build yet 🙂. I just have uploaded the final pictures
16 May 2024, 20:01

Thank you Bruce. I put a lot of time in the weathering (a stage I like a lot) I'm quite pleased with this build except the railings that not did fit as I expected
16 May 2024, 20:02

fantastic, looking forward seeing it in the flesh.... going to Veldhoven with it maybe?
17 May 2024, 08:24

🙂 Spanjaard. For sure not @Veldhoven. Since it is a build on commissioning for my eldest son, this ship will probably not go in competition
17 May 2024, 13:50

Each ship is better than the one before. And we all thought the last one was perfect. It is amazing that you still find ways to improve.
The weather is still a bit chilly for tropical uniforms, and why is that bloke on the bridge giving an inappropriate salute?
17 May 2024, 21:28

Thank you Gorby.
Spanjaard, sorry for that, but who knows
Martin, it is not the ships that are improving, it are my qualities as a photographer. Weather conditions here, I fully agree. 80 years ago in the Mediterranean sea, I think the sailors were pretty much satisfied with tropical uniforms. And that bloke, giving an inappropriate salute. I think you should review Fawlty towers and English humor 😉. It is not appropriate, it is just a salute to an Italian sailor to point out where the hitting shell is flying
18 May 2024, 12:08