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Tintin In America (Cowboy Tintin)
Project: Tintin In America (Cowboy Tintin)
21 4 June 2024, 16:26

Another little Tintin appetizer... Cowboy Tintin... on a horse. Not much to say besides I painted it with a brush. Thought about a white horse, then a mixed one... settled on brown. 🙂
Here's my blog page, where I say a tiny bit more... strobez.ca/wp/index...n-tintin-in-america/
4 June 2024, 16:29

Tintins shirt has black lines # in the album. Could you add these with a decal ? 🤔
7 June 2024, 17:56

or a marker
180 Signal Black (1mm), Molotow Markers Satin, Acrylic, 10ml
7 June 2024, 18:25

Hah! Erik always seems to find the one thing I'm not completely happy about... 🙂 I did try to add those black lines... nothing really worked. I just ended up making a mess of it.
7 June 2024, 19:05