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Marcin Dudek
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24 afbeeldingen
T-55View album, image #22
Project: T:55
1:72 T-55A (Italeri 7081)
29 15 September 2024, 15:32
Marcin Dudek Schrijver
A new build starte ๐Ÿ™‚. It seems quite easy but one thing puzzles me - the tracks. They compose of 4 straight plastic parts and instruction says to bend them with hair dryer. It is first time I encountered this type of tracks. Anyone tried doing something like this?
 15 September 2024, 15:36
Snake Plissken
I have heard of this type of assembly but have never built one. However, I have lots of experience heating and softening styrene plastic. You can also try very hot or boiling water -- soak the tracks in boiling water, then fish them out of the water with long tweezers and bend them around the rear sprocket, idler and road wheels and hold until they cool. You may even get by using no heat, just slowly and carefully bend curves into the tracks.
 15 September 2024, 20:46
Marcin Dudek Schrijver
Thanks for help Snake! That tip is very helpfull ๐Ÿ™‚
 16 September 2024, 04:35
Guy Rump
Following. 👍
 20 September 2024, 17:45
Marcin Dudek Schrijver
You're welcome Guy ๐Ÿ™‚
 20 September 2024, 19:46
Marcin Dudek Schrijver
After some work done I need to say I am a little disappointed with this kit. Instruction includes some mistakes and it is not always easy to read how and where exactly a specific part should be located. More over I expected more from new molds (parts require a lot of work to remove additional plastic).
 22 September 2024, 13:17
Snake Plissken
Hi Marcin. My advice is to *expect mistakes* and do your research accordingly. It may or may not be fun to research the T-55 but most of the photos or line drawings you can find online are free, it just takes some time.
 25 September 2024, 04:46
Marcin Dudek Schrijver
Sure thing Snake ๐Ÿ™‚. References in the Net are more than sufficient.
 25 September 2024, 17:29
Snake Plissken
Good job adding the injector lines on the engine. I overlooked it the first time. 👍
 1 October 2024, 05:53
Marcin Dudek Schrijver
Thanks Snake ๐Ÿ™‚. I was considering adding some more parts to the engine but they wouldn't be visible after assembly so I left it as it is. Thanks one again for the track bending tips, they were very helpfull.
 1 October 2024, 15:48
Marcin Dudek Schrijver
Some job with wearhering done. Still, I forgot to apply the decals first ๐Ÿคฆ
 7 October 2024, 05:41
Marcin Dudek Schrijver
I call it done.
 12 October 2024, 17:23
Robert Podkoล„ski
Somehow I missed the whole process... Fantastic job, Marcin!
 12 October 2024, 17:44
Guy Rump
Great build! 👍
 12 October 2024, 23:07
Marcin Dudek Schrijver
Thank You mates ๐Ÿ™‚
 13 October 2024, 06:11
Superb work !
 13 October 2024, 16:09
Marcin Dudek Schrijver
Thank You Lebloge ๐Ÿ™‚
 14 October 2024, 04:37

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