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2 10 October 2024, 12:54

Stripped gold plating from wheels and exhaust. Not sure whether to use chrome on the wheels or paint them white.
Painted body Tamiya Racing Blue. Paint stand fell apart, which caused the body to fall while the paint was still wet. After letting the paint dry, I wet sanded the body and re-sprayed. A couple of drips from the re-spray requires another round of wet sanding. Wheels were painted white to match the intended color of the stripes.
16 October 2024, 19:40

Update on the Viper. Stripes masked off and painted white. Once dried, I removed the tape and .... Oh NO!. Glue from the the cheap Hobby Lobby masking tape is all over body. Broke out the Isopropyl alcohol to try to clean the glue off and wouldn't you know.... the stripes came off too.
13 November 2024, 15:15

So, wet sanding begins and going very slow. Considering to just strip and re-paint
13 November 2024, 15:26

Too many issues getting the paint and stripes right, also looks like I lost some parts, so I put it together and calling it done.
9 February, 00:25