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Discussie gestart door djorifice

David Orifice
heeft een nieuw project toegevoegd.
21 afbeeldingen
1:24 GM Goodwrench Lumina (Monogram 2927)
Chevrolet Lumina
Goodwrench 3 (Dale Earnhardt)
7 14 December 2024, 22:41
David Orifice Schrijver
Chassis is complete and on its wheels. Body painted and completed. Body has been mounted onto the chassis and is now waiting on decals to be applied
 29 January, 23:03
David Orifice Schrijver
Calling this one done. First completed model in 40 years. It fought me a little bit. Not the cleanest, but its done.
1  31 January, 22:05
Bob Hall
Cool 😎
1  1 February, 00:42
After 40 years of resting, what was the best part of doing this model?
 1 February, 00:55
Bob Hall

1  1 February, 03:46
David Orifice Schrijver
Bozzer - The best part of this build was seeing where I am, skill-wise after all these years. I've been watching alot of YouTube videos and tried to use the skills I've learned. I still have a ways to go before I can produce a clean project, but I am happy with the way it turned out. Never built a Nascar kit before. I will definitely do another when I get better.
1  1 February, 20:51
Glad you got your mojo back, mate. I always love it when I get a rolling chassis. That's definitely a push, to keep going. But next time, I'm gonna try something different and paint my body and ancillary parts, first, before I even touch the chassis. I see a lot of guys doing it, and it's actually good for you. The body is drying longer, while you get the glue out. Plus, you resist the urge to rush, what's pretty much the most important part of the build?
Kinda makes sense, if you think about it?
 1 February, 23:19
Bob Hall
I'm selling my stash, I see I have about 95% of your wish list. Anything you need, let me know! 👍
 2 February, 16:00
Mike Thomas
Lookin' good for being away so long, David. I love the NASCAR Lumina. It and the '89 Monte Carlo are still my favorite NASCAR body styles.
1  3 February, 00:21

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