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Discussie gestart door Choppa Nutta

Choppa Nutta
good to see Fine Molds have done a deal with Revell as the licenses have shifted over to Revell...
Hopefully their 1/48th Star Wars kits will be rebranded too 🙂
Millennium Falcon Master Series
Revell 1:72
85-5093 (15093) 2015 Nieuwe doos
24 December 2015, 01:54
Good news !!!
 24 December 2015, 08:04
Choppa Nutta Schrijver
Expensive though, £200 roughly..... Eeekk !
 24 December 2015, 15:10
Christian Lehmann
According to the 1/48 X wing and Tie Fighter are rebranded too. The style of the displays shown on the pictures is that of the FM kits.
 24 December 2015, 15:42
Ricardo Gonzalez Ramos
Cool! Must have
 24 December 2015, 15:58
Choppa Nutta Schrijver
That is good news Christian, and there is the FM Snow speeder too..
Surprised FM didn't do a Y wing and Tie Advanced & Interceptor in 1/48...

Really what we want is everything from the Falcon and smaller in 1/48th scale with lots of scenery packs, landing pads and Death Star tiles & Turbo Laser gun towers 🙂
 24 December 2015, 17:12
Finally bit the bullet! Just ordered one, There disappearing pretty fast even though it ain't cheap to own the Fastest piece of junk in the galaxy! Nice that this is in 1/72, look pretty cool next to real aircraft! This will do until I get my hands on the De Agostino weekly build a Millennium Falcon 32inch model. I'm also slowly rebuilding a Hasbro 29inch toy into a more detailed model, Waiting on 3D printed parts from Shapeways to detail that model along with RGB LED lights I will install into the engine bay and my custom MP3 player embedded into the body with speakers for the sound effects. stay tuned.... 🙂
 3 January 2016, 13:29
Choppa Nutta Schrijver
Sounds epic ! 🙂
 3 January 2016, 14:11
Urban Gardini
I haven't seen this beauty yet in Europe. I'd prefer to get it from an European shop in order to avoid a hefty ransom payment to the Swedish customs.
 3 January 2016, 14:44
Choppa Nutta Schrijver
That, sounds reasonable 🙂
 3 January 2016, 16:45
My Shapeways 3D printed parts for the Hasbro 29inch Millennium Falcon arrived today! They look great fantastic detail on the engine vents, Landing gear baffles, and the cockpit set! I'll post a new album soon with photos of these parts! 🙂
 4 January 2016, 09:59
Good !
 4 January 2016, 11:15
Choppa Nutta Schrijver
Awesome, how much is that set Glen ?
 4 January 2016, 11:20
Hi Chops! Well you will have to look at there website and search for what you want! The rear engine grill which is around 360mm wide for this model costs around $31 AUD the Landing Gear Baffles $20 AUD the cockpit floor and seats $60 AUD (you can go crazy in there with many other parts) too! I will buy some more parts down the track. I'm uploading a new album now so take a look! 🙂 They also have plenty of parts for the Finemoulds/Revell 1/72 scale kit too!
 4 January 2016, 11:26
Urban Gardini
Interesting. Thanks Glenn.
 4 January 2016, 12:30
"Chewie we're Home!" My Revell boxing arrived today! From Burbank House of Hobbies Ca. $273USD plus $62 shipping! It arrived in 2 outer boxes! This kit is packed in it's own outer shipping box direct from Revell. Interestingly it states number 911 of 3100 on the shipping barcode label from Revell IL. Maybe that is the total batch of these reboxed kits? Not that may but i guess it's a pricey kit! so i guess it's limited. Exact rebox of Finemoulds kit light off white/grey plastic. The Finemoulds logo has been machined/milled off the body tooling thats the only thing i can notice.
 14 January 2016, 02:54
Ricardo Gonzalez Ramos
I Asked Revell and they informed me that this Kit will not been available in Europe.
 14 January 2016, 08:29
Ricardo, That's sad for you guys over there. Time to jump on the Web and find one. May the Force be with you! 👍
 14 January 2016, 15:37
Choppa Nutta Schrijver
Really frustrating that the Star Wars licenses have been divided up like this ...... 🙁
 14 January 2016, 15:45
Sucks a bit! Just like Jar Jar Binks! Oh and all of Ep.1, Ep.2, Ep.3! 🙁 So stupid they are only stuffing up there own merchandising sales!!! Buy not allowing people to buy this stuff. Oh wait Lucasfilm knew that, That's why they made so much money from toys! Looks like they only thought about the North American market and stuff everyone else! Hey Finemoulds, AMT/Ertl, Revell, Bandai Should all be allowed a license to sell the stuff they have tooling for. SHAME DISNEY.... o.k. i'll stay quite now and turn out the lights the Disney Cops are on the way!!!....
 14 January 2016, 16:06
Ricardo Gonzalez Ramos
The Problem is not the license. The price for European Market is the Problem. It's possible to order from Europe it will cost including shipping round about 300€
 14 January 2016, 18:27
Choppa Nutta Schrijver
If they had a license to sell here shipping would be a lot less 🙂
 14 January 2016, 19:18

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