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Discussie gestart door Frank Krause

Frank Krause
😎 My favourite German dealer just announced this kit for pre-order. It's ugly and strange, but... I couldn't resist. 😠 😭 😮
Heavy Armored Car
ADGZ (late)
UA AMG (Arsenal Model Group) 1:35
35502 2013 Nieuwe mallen
2 May 2013, 12:49
"It's ugly and strange, but... I couldn't resist"... this is what my girlfriend says about me, lol 🙂
 2 May 2013, 12:54
Duncan Cook
lol Tim. 😄
 2 May 2013, 13:04
Steve Wilson
Any particular part of you Tim.
Or just you in general... Oooohh!!! Matron😄😄😄
 2 May 2013, 13:10
please behave😉 🙂
 2 May 2013, 13:12
Stefan Suessemilch
LOOL Tim 😄
 2 May 2013, 14:57
Frank Krause Schrijver
@Tim: That's, what your girl-friend says. And your wife...?😉 😛
 2 May 2013, 17:07
Ingo Ramin
Hmmm... It more a toy like a scale model with just some improvement on the ancient Schmidt Modellbau Vaku-kit. Better reach out for the MR resin kit which is lightyears ahead of this "Klumpen" or wait for an Bronco or Riich kit which will come for sure - sooner or later...
 22 October 2014, 18:19
Lol you guys are bonkers..
 22 October 2014, 18:48

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