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Discussie gestart door kryten2q4b

Dave Burgess
heeft een nieuw fotoalbum toegevoegd.
18 2 June 2020, 21:15
Maciej Bellos
 3 June 2020, 03:09
Ben M
"not suitable for children under 14 years" - I love it.
1  21 June 2020, 23:27
Dave Burgess Schrijver
Having built it, Ben, I'd concur with that statement! Having built a few Anigrand kits, I wouldn't recommend them to modelers under 14 PARTICULARLY if they're newbies. The Anigrand kits can have warping issues (especially with the larger kits); fit issues; sometimes the resin L.G. are not great and require some scratch building; the instructions are minimal, basically an exploded view of the parts, and a painting / decalling guide; they ofen don't have guide pins or holes for proper alignment, or even mounting holes for the gear; and the exploded parts view sometimes leave it very unclear as to where exactly the parts fit. I've often had to look at photos to determine how the LG are to be attached. They're a challenge that I take on because they fill in gaps in my collection that other kit mfgs haven't filled (AND because I like a challenge).
 11 January, 21:10
Ben M
Me too. I don't know why, but I enjoy making something out of rough kits.
1  12 January, 02:15
Dave Burgess Schrijver
Absolutely, Ben! My favourite 'silk purse out of a sows ear' project was my Minbari battle cruiser. When I contrast the quality of the kit with the final product, it amazes even me, and I built it! Check it out. It's in my Babylon 5 collection
 13 January, 16:45
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 13 January, 19:08

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