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Tamiya Model Magazine 62

Tamiya Model Magazine


Tamiya Model Magazine
62 | July-August 1997


News | Page 4
News desk

Show dates, modelling news, product updates and gossip

Editorial | Page 9
Readers' models

Simply build a model, take some photographs and send them to us - if we like them you could win TMMI free for one year!

Build Report | Page 10
Once bitten...

by Marcus Nicholls
Some of the best science fiction/movie related kits ever released are now available to buy again - we put three of Revell's Battlestar Galactica kits through their paces...
Battlestar Galactica
Revell 1:4105
04816 1997 Onbekende wijziging
Battlestar Galactica
Colonial Viper
Revell 1:32
04815 1997 Nieuwe doos
Battle Star Galactica Cylon Base Star
Revell 1:8500
04817 1997 Nieuwe doos

News | Page 14
Military update

A selection of the latest kits and accessories for military modellers - but that's obvious from the title!

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 16
Flower power

by Matt Edwards
WWII generated some wild and terrifying weapons, and those who stood anywhere near the Sherman Tulip while it fired its 60lb aircraft rockets were brave men indeed...
M4A4 w/60 lb. Rocket
Dragon 1:35
6041 1995 Nieuwe onderdelen

Build Report, 1:24  | Page 20
Honda right track

by Simon Mosedale
Tamiya's Honda Accord from the JTCC touring car series receives the wiring and superdetailing treatment...
Honda Accord VTEC JTCC
Tamiya 1:24
24174 1996 Nieuwe mallen

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 24
A brutish beau

by Marcus Nicholls
Aviation modellers have waited patiently for this kit - it's one of the best loved aircraft ever and a superb subject for a kit. We've built it first (as you would expect) and here's what we think...
Bristol Beaufighter Mk.VI
Tamiya 1:48
61053 1997 Nieuwe mallen

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 32
Meteor maker

by Geoff Coughlin
The Gloster Meteor was the first jet aircraft in service with the RAF, distuinguishing itself early on by downing V1 Flying Bombs aimed at British cities. Geoff Coughlin is the first to build Tamiya's new 1:48 scale kit of this important aircraft
Gloster Meteor F.1
Tamiya 1:48
61051 1997 Nieuwe mallen

News | Page 38
New releases

New models, books and accessories from Tamiya and the rest of the modelling spectrum

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 40

by Geoff Coughlin
The Fieseler Fi103 "Vergeltungswaffe 1" (Reprisal Weapon 1) was well known to residents of cities across Europe. the "Doodlebug" rained down on them and became a much feared weapon. To compliment the Meteor, Tamiya now offer a very neat little kit of the V
V-1 (Fieseler Fi103)
Tamiya 1:48
61052 1997 Nieuwe mallen

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 42
Drei running

by Angus Creighton
Not so long ago there was a drought on for fans of the Panzer III, but now you can model almost every variant. Tamiya are the latest to join the fray with their Ausf. L
Sd.Kfz. 141/1
Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf. L
Tamiya 1:35
35215 1997 Nieuwe mallen

News | Page 46
New releases extra

More new kits and accessories to buy and store in your loft!

Editorial | Page 48
Tamiya postbag

Your views in print, plus what's in the next TMMI

Editorial | Page 50
Tamiya competition

Win a Tamiya Beaufighter in this competition, for just the price of a stamp or fax!