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Hobby Boss A-10 Thunderbolf II


28 June 2011, 03:17
Tim Vereecke
Nice to see this one built! I like it Nath
 28 June 2011, 05:36
nath Schrijver
Thanks Tim. It's my first 48 scale model. I used Tamiya acrylics with isopropyl alcohol as thinner.
 28 June 2011, 05:43
Tim Vereecke
Cool, I also use isopropyl as a thinner and I'm very happy with the results. How was the fit of the HobbyBoss kit?
 28 June 2011, 05:45
nath Schrijver
Fit was good except for the back end of one wing root. It's a tail sitter so use a lot of nose weight. Notice I was using a clear sprue to hold the tail part up.
 28 June 2011, 07:52
Tim Vereecke
thx for the info and I had already noticed the clear sprue 🙂
 28 June 2011, 09:03

Project info

5 afbeeldingen
1:48 A-10 "Thunderbolt" II (HobbyBoss 80323)

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