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Martin Vochoc
Martin Vochoc

F-16CG Block 52, Academy

Photo 1 of 11


13 July 2011, 19:16
Holger Kranich
The low-viz looks great!
 14 July 2011, 12:42
Tim Vereecke
Excellent, love the paintjob and weathering! nice work Martin!
 15 July 2011, 08:27
love it Martin
 11 November 2012, 15:36
Harry Eder
Ahoj Martin! Your viper looks great! Very nice paintjob!
 12 November 2012, 09:52
Ben Schumacher
Excellent finish - I love it!
 12 November 2012, 10:46
Steve Wilson
Extremely well built Model & Display Ben, well done🙂8)
 12 November 2012, 10:53
stefan natus
Great model,nicely weathered.
 12 November 2012, 11:53
Dirk Heyer
Hello Martin,
as a Nonexpert of F-16 and an OOB Built you did an amazing job!
This little Viper is an eye-catcher!
I like the entire weathering, well done. One of my favourites is the individual paint-job on the ordnance! Give`em lot of character.
The blue base stays in truly perfect correspondence with the grey camouflage of the Viper.
The entire composition is settled in cool and light colours, what give`em a nice atmosphere.
Cool stuff!
 12 November 2012, 18:28
Holger Kranich
@Dirk: you always have a very delightful way to review a model! Ever a pleasure to read them because you always hit the nails head;)!
 12 November 2012, 19:04
Philip De Keyser
This is a awesome job Martin, congrats with the result 😉
Greetz Phil
 12 November 2012, 19:39
Martin Vochoc Schrijver
Hi all,

many thanks for your very nice comments. I´m really pleased. I wasn´t here for a long time due to my work, but I have finised several new models and other projects and I´m going to upload the photos of them here soon.

 1 January 2013, 16:33
Michel Huijghe
Great looking Viper.
 1 January 2013, 17:32
Jose Miguel Rodriguez
Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done!!!!!!!!!!
 1 January 2013, 20:27

Album info

I´m not Viper expert, but I like this jet and I wanted to have it in my collection. This project I took mostly like OOB built to practise some new skills. I only converted it to Block 52 and I used Quickboost seat and Wolfpack decals. I finished it durin

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