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mahyar bahrampoor (mahyar59)

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2 November 2011, 11:29
Holger Kranich
There are some very nice models among your collection! I like the F-4 & the F-15 a lot! Did you try to create a iranian-carrier? Funny idea!;)
 2 November 2011, 12:10
mahyar bahrampoor Schrijver
yes i like my country
 2 November 2011, 12:24
Holger Kranich
Did you had some fittingproblems at your UH-1B, too?
 2 November 2011, 13:49
mahyar bahrampoor Schrijver
this is some of my first job and i painting by brush it,s for 5 years ago
 2 November 2011, 14:27
Holger Kranich
I think you did a good job!
 4 November 2011, 13:06
Bill Gilman
Hi Mahyer, do you have documentation on the grey/blue scheme on the Tomcat that you could e-mail? That looks like a great idea for one of my many unbuilt F-14 kits!
 4 November 2011, 20:06
Holger Kranich
Hey, Bill, the german issue of the F-14@ wikipedia can help you a bit, i think there are pix of that scheme...
 4 November 2011, 20:10
Burkhard D
Bill, looks like the scheme comes with some decal sheets
 4 November 2011, 20:33
Holger Kranich
Thats something for my wishlist!
 4 November 2011, 20:36
Holger Kranich
Very nice, thank you, Burkhard!🙂
 4 November 2011, 20:40
Bill Gilman
Thanks for the links, guys! I like the looks of the grey/blue scheme on the Cat, and it would make an interesting addition to my collection.
 4 November 2011, 21:50
mahyar bahrampoor Schrijver
mr Bill Gilman have good luck my freind
 4 November 2011, 21:54
Bill Gilman
Thanks - when I build the IRIAF version, I'll be sure to add it to my galleries!
 4 November 2011, 23:35

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