Fiat G.91YP Esq. 303 Tigres
40 17 March 2024, 16:45

@John E - Thank you! It was supposed to be OOB for a quick build but i like the G.91 type and this kit is as old as i am so i had to give this oldie some extra love. Cheers!
18 March 2024, 12:32

@J35J - Thank you! It was a fun build above all. The kit has lots of inaccuracies and is missing so much detail that there is room for much more than i did. but i didn't plan on doing so many changes as i did so, i'm satisfied with how it came out.
Would be cool to have a modern kit of this fighter but i guess it's not a popular subject and wouldn't sell much so, i don't have much hope of that happening.
18 March 2024, 19:44

Existem muitos aviões mas para um apreciador de aviação português os Fiat são sempre especiais. Está fantástico.
18 March 2024, 21:53

@Neil - Thank you! These oldies are good fun. I knew what i was getting into when i started and i have no regrets. 😉
19 March 2024, 12:23

@ André Silva - Muito obrigado! Sem dúvida, os Fiat fazem parte da nossa história aeronáutica e militar e para modelistas de aviação Portugueses, não pode passar ao lado. 🙂
19 March 2024, 12:23

That turned out really impressive! Really nice weathering, and I particularly like the pink sealant on the canopy. Is that painted on?
19 March 2024, 12:31

@Thomas Kolb - Thank you, Thomas! Yes, it's painted on but it's actually Tamiya XF-57 Buff. The bad quality of the pics is probably playing a trick with your eyes. At first i thought of using decals but i also wanted to try this so this was the right opportunity.
The weathering process was simple, there's no pre-shading, straight camo colors, AK paneliner wash for blue and grey camo for the panel lines and some other details. Then i used some oil paints and did a bit of chipping with some Vallejo aluminium. And honestly, it was my favorite part of the build so i'm very glad you like it. Cheers!
19 March 2024, 22:40