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Ozcan Ertem (ozcan)

What-if DHC-2 Beaver for Oregon State University

Photo 1 of 6


10 7 April 2024, 23:15
Alex K
👍 👍 - cheers!
 8 April 2024, 00:34
A nice one!
 8 April 2024, 07:30
Nice work.
 8 April 2024, 10:57

Album info

This is a what-if project for a DHC-2 Beaver Floatplane. Beaver aircraft is selected for the Beaver animal of Oregon State University. The aircraft is to be used as a course material at AAE210 Aerospace Engineering class.

The scheme applied was inspired by the Alaska-Horizon Air Oregon State University schemes that were applied over a Q-400 and a CRJ-700 aircraft. The university logos and initials at appropriate sizes come from a T2 decal sheet. Fun to work on it.

6 afbeeldingen
1:72 DHC Beaver (Airfix A03017V)1:72 Oregon State Beavers Nail Art Decals (T2 Decals MSD-ORSTBV-001)

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