Built AircraftBekijk: Diavoorstelling Mozaïek Lijst« Prev12Next » 1234567891011121314151617 Photo 1 of 17Opmerkingen22 June 2012, 03:15Duncan CookNice Aircrafts John. 18 August 2012, 22:09Augievery nice work 18 August 2012, 22:46John Lanning SchrijverThank you both. 18 August 2012, 23:25Dave FassettOutstanding builds Sir. I especially like the F-16 and the Hawk. 19 August 2012, 00:58Wilfried BogaertsLovely collection you have there John ! 🙂 19 August 2012, 08:07Burkhard DNice collection! The Jolly Rogers Panther in natural metal finish is a very nice color variation from the plain blue scheme. Goes straight to the project list 🙂 19 August 2012, 10:39Alle albumsBekijk alle albums »