RCAF Hawk: 1/48th Eduard P-40N WarhawkBekijk: Diavoorstelling Mozaïek Lijst 1January 27, 2025See the build article at: flypastrush.com/post..eduard-p-40n-warhawk Opmerkingen 7 27 January, 02:15Villiers de VosVery nice work. A nice addition to your line-up. 1 27 January, 03:13NeulingI agree. 1 27 January, 08:35Guy RumpVery nice! 👍 1 27 January, 09:00Album infoSee the build article at: flypastrush.com/post..eduard-p-40n-warhawkP-40N Warhawk1 afbeeldingen1:48VoltooidAlle albumsBekijk alle albums »