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mahyar bahrampoor (mahyar59)

iranian airforce


3 October 2012, 12:14
Aghis Barberopoulos
I like your line up, it looks pretty impressive. If you place them on a diorama base of a runway it would be even better !
 3 October 2012, 15:40
Adrian LR
I like the colours on the MiG 29. Imprevisse collection you have!
 3 October 2012, 15:58
mahyar bahrampoor Schrijver
thanks my friends
 3 October 2012, 20:51
Vorya hidaryan
su-24 kame!?
 3 October 2012, 22:58
Duncan Cook
Is the Tomcat still flying in the IRA?
 3 October 2012, 23:46
Holger Kranich
Great Mix of Aircraft and camo!
 4 October 2012, 05:19

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