Kev Baxter
Photo 1 of 47
25 November 2012, 22:47

Wow, great models. Love the first one and the Swordfish! 👍 👍 👍
And... our "wingfold master" will be happy to see your planes...! 😉
25 November 2012, 22:59

Very nice indeed! That's a great collection, I gotta love the guys at Fairey who designed their wingfolds. 🙂
26 November 2012, 01:28

Thanks Guys,
More added taking us back to about 1995! No particular order though...
Kev B
26 November 2012, 16:34

Seems, I checked your album too early. Quite impressive collection. I also love the camo of the Me 262 (pic 39).
26 November 2012, 18:47

Some great builds in there - love the small baseplates - simple but make a nice finishing touch
15 February 2013, 20:27

Hi Kevin, you have a great collection of 1/72 scale planes, keep up the good work Kevin and give us more of these beautifull built ones, greetz Phil
16 February 2013, 09:11

some quality planes you have there.really nicely done thnx for the show
16 February 2013, 09:57
Album info
The Story So Far... All 1/72nd Scale.