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George Bacon (Gbmodeler)

Dragon JSU-122S/152 (Kit 6047) Build


23 January 2013, 16:34
Frank Krause
Hehe, that's interesting. A kind of group-build by chance. Will be interesting to see, what the etching parts will bring, since mine will be (mostly) OOTB. Happy modeling, George!
 23 January 2013, 17:27
George Bacon Schrijver
Great minds think alike? Good luck on your model, Frank!
 23 January 2013, 17:34
Frank Krause
My progress so far:
JSU-122S Construction | Album by Frank Krause (1:35)
 23 January 2013, 17:37
George Bacon Schrijver
Making some progress...
 28 January 2013, 02:57
Frank Krause
On the way - I see you also made some additions/corrections.
 28 January 2013, 06:11
Kim Branders
Nice progress
 28 January 2013, 07:41
George Bacon Schrijver
As for the correction, I found some good web sites with info on the JSU and/or Dragon's model.
 28 January 2013, 14:49
Frank Krause
Hi George, the second link was known by me, not the first one. Thanks for sharing.
Be careful with the 4bogreen. Not everything mentioned there is correct.
***** Example: The lifting eyes (parts B20) are molded with the rings standing perpendicular to the plates on which they are mounted. The rings were free to swivel in their mounts and typically laid flat against the plates. The kit parts can be modified by carefully cutting the rings from the eyes and re-attaching them in a more natural position. This applies not only to the superstructure and engine deck lifting eyes but to those on the rear hull (Step 6) as well. *****
Looking at all the photos of JSUs Dragon did parts B20 correct, but they missed to add the rings to the eyes. I've overcome this by adding wire rings to the lifting eyes.
 28 January 2013, 15:23
George Bacon Schrijver
Thanks for the tip. Your work on the rings was excellent!
 28 January 2013, 16:07
Frank Krause
Call me "Lord of the Rings".. 😉 😉 😎 😄
It's always good to look at more than one source. Tanks standing in museums or displayed as monuments are sometimes a mix of WWII and post-war, sometimes a result of a kind of whatever restauration.
Now I ripped off the first 2 handles (parts B2 in step 4) on the upper hull (see picture), because I haven't seen any on WWII JSU-122S.
 28 January 2013, 17:54
George Bacon Schrijver
Added the rings ala Frank "Lord of the Rings" Krause and started using the Royal photo-etch. Thanks Frank, for your tips and all your research! 🙂
 28 January 2013, 23:43
Frank Krause
Hehe, a JSU with percings!😎 Looking good! I like the handrails done with wire.
 29 January 2013, 00:12
George Bacon Schrijver
The horn, headlight and top hatches all turned into separate projects!
 29 January 2013, 20:56
George Bacon Schrijver
Slowly moving forward using the Voyager photo-etch. The external fuel tanks are next...
 6 February 2013, 18:18
George Bacon Schrijver
I decided to use the kit's fuel tanks rather than the photo-etch (I prefer plastic parts whenever they will work), although I did use the photo-etch handles at the end of each tank. That required removing the molded-on handles. As you can see, the straps around the tanks needed a little work.
 6 February 2013, 22:16
james johnson
what do you think of the way this fuel tank is mounted on this KV-85? Is that rod there just because the tank is on display? [img1]
 8 February 2013, 03:24
james johnson
Actually two rods. The ones protruding from the hull to the fuel tank.
 8 February 2013, 03:25
George Bacon Schrijver
It's hard to tell why it's there. I always try to find photos from the era I'm modeling to try to confirm or dispel what I see on modern day machines in museums or on display.
 8 February 2013, 03:32
james johnson
yeah, that's what I was thinking........I'm going with the way you did it.....
 8 February 2013, 04:11
George Bacon Schrijver
For the JSU (and JS2 tank) the straps tapered at the ends, and were connected to metal rods which bolted to the brackets. I didn't model the tapering straps or rods (seemed liked too much trouble for what a person could see in 1/35 scale). I'm not sure the KV-85 straps were the same, but all the photos I see from WW2 show straps, and not the rods you found on the museum piece.

The KV-85 may be more like the SU-152 (KV-14) than the JSU I'm building. The photo-etch guys have already done the research on straps. For example, check out the pictures at
 8 February 2013, 04:38
james johnson
I see what you mean, thanks! Those on the voyager pe set are closer to what are supplied with my kit. The out of box mounting looks like crap, but the reference you posted shows me how to modify the existing mount. Should be easier than replicating the JSU 122 rig..
Thanks again!
 8 February 2013, 04:48
George Bacon Schrijver
Update on my JSU-122. The Bestie is primed and ready to paint!
 8 February 2013, 19:06
Frank Krause
Nice progress on your JSU, George! Love it. I'm just back from our Scalemates Meeting on Wangerooge island! Once I cleaned my workbench, I'll continue on the JSU. I made some experiences with etching parts during our meeting. So my next model might get some upgrades...
 10 February 2013, 19:00
james johnson
soldering experience, Frank?
 11 February 2013, 01:19
George Bacon Schrijver
Thanks Frank. I hope the Wangerooge meeting was inspiring!
 11 February 2013, 04:14
james johnson
Interesting George. Looking forward to seeing where you're going with this!
 11 February 2013, 04:36
Frank Krause
@George: Very inspiring and relaxing! I felt very well during that week!
 11 February 2013, 06:50
George Bacon Schrijver
Applied a wash over the acrylic base paint with black artist oils diluted in mineral spirits. Will wipe off the excess tomorrow. Looks ugly. Hope this works!
 12 February 2013, 02:53
George Bacon Schrijver
Update on the JSU-122 construction: The fine detail painting is done.
 12 February 2013, 20:26
Mike Kryza
Great... 👍
 12 February 2013, 20:27
james johnson
clean! nice washes....
 12 February 2013, 20:45
George Bacon Schrijver
The tracks are on the JSU-122. Almost done!
 16 February 2013, 00:52
Frank Krause
I'd better kick mine in the trash can.
Great job, George! 👍
 16 February 2013, 08:02
George Bacon Schrijver
Thanks Frank, but yours is coming along beautifully, and has been an inspiration to me!
 16 February 2013, 12:42
Frank Krause
Thanks for the motivation, George! Let's see, what will come out at the end.😉
 16 February 2013, 14:34
George Bacon Schrijver
La "Bête" est fini.
 16 February 2013, 18:11
Frank Krause
👍 Great! But... we want more.... pics... 👍
How did you do the headlight?
 16 February 2013, 18:25
Frank Krause
Ok, ok! Found 'em! You added a new album for the finished one...!
 16 February 2013, 18:26
George Bacon Schrijver
The headlight (and running lights) are a model railroad product. They are lenses made by M.V. Products, and come in various sizes and colors. They're great! I keep an assortment in my spare parts box.
 16 February 2013, 18:31
Brian Geiger
Sorry I missed seeing this at the last meeting George. You've done a heck of a nice job showing the step-by-step photos. It's enlightening to see all the modifications you've done "under the paint". Some very nice tips too. It turned out great!

Thanks for sharing and Thumbs up!
 29 June 2013, 16:23
George Bacon Schrijver
Thanks for your comments Brian. Hope to see you this month!
 2 July 2013, 19:38
Ricardo Gonzalez Ramos
a great looking Russian piece of metal
 2 July 2013, 19:46
George Bacon Schrijver
Thanks Ricardo!
 3 July 2013, 01:34
Christian Keller
Wow... just a big wow
 3 July 2013, 04:16
Holger Kranich
Great finish, it looking very good! Cool weathering!
 3 July 2013, 07:52
George Bacon Schrijver
Thanks Christian and Holger. I really appreciate your comments!
 3 July 2013, 22:49

Project info

71 afbeeldingen
1:35 JSU-122S / 152 (Dragon 6047)

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