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Echo 8
Stefan Schacht (Echo 8)

Panther Ausf. G


2 9 July 2013, 17:39
Dave Flitton
Looks good. Is that home made Zimmerit?
 9 July 2013, 19:55
Stefan Schacht Schrijver
Hi Dave, the Zimmerit is out of the box 🙂
 9 July 2013, 19:59
Es-haq Khosravi
Like this panzer!
 9 July 2013, 20:32
Für mein geschmack ein wenig klein, aber ansonsten ein schönes Werk.👍
 9 July 2013, 21:06
Wim van der Luijt
small but delicious!
 10 July 2013, 06:52
Stefan Schacht Schrijver
Thanks guys.
 10 July 2013, 17:55
Mike Kryza
Hi Stefan, für diesen Maßstab absolut klasse gemacht.
 10 July 2013, 18:12
Christian Meyerhoff
Schöne kleine Katze!
 10 July 2013, 18:14
Es-haq Khosravi
Is the zimmerit PE?
 10 July 2013, 18:15
Stefan Schacht Schrijver
the model is build out of Box and the Zimmerit is made by Dragon
 10 July 2013, 18:19
Es-haq Khosravi
Excellent result! I hardly believe this is 1:72!
 10 July 2013, 18:33
Dirk Scheffler
Hi Stefan and allpaintings made by airbrush. Right?
 10 July 2013, 18:36
Stefan Schacht Schrijver
the camouflage is made by airbrush and then i use oilpaint for the weathering
 10 July 2013, 18:45
Keith Gervasi
Very nice!
 10 July 2013, 19:39
Kim Branders
Heads off for your panther. Impressive camo you did there. Grtz Kim
 10 July 2013, 20:41
Flemming Forsberg
sso rich in details of the colour, i was impressed.
 18 July 2013, 10:36
Stefan Schacht Schrijver
Thanks guys.
 18 July 2013, 21:37
Dirk Scheffler
Hi Stefan: Looks great. The weathering in that scale superb. Great to see vou are back.
 29 July 2013, 19:00

Project info

6 afbeeldingen
1:72 Panther Ausf. G early production w/Zimmerit + Panzer Crew (Dragon 7363)

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