Mig-15 bis/ Tamiya
29 March 2014, 16:10

I recently started two Mig-15 projects, one using the rather dated Tamiya kit, the other being build from Trumpeters more recent offer, which, as I have been informed, should build in a slightly more detailed and accurate represantation of that iconic fighter. I am going to build this bird as one of the camoflaged birds you see on the Cutting Edge sheet- maybe the nightfighter...
29 March 2014, 16:15

Oh another interesting one. Are you go for a natural metal finish or an camouflaged one?
29 March 2014, 16:17

I am considering the night-fighter or "Red 03" for this one, Trumpeters version should be realized in natural metal finish.
29 March 2014, 16:22

Fitting of parts is perfect- as you can see on the pictures: there is nothing filled or sanded by now. Because of that I am going to build up the representation of the jet engine: it seems to me as if Tamiyas Mig will be able to be displayed in a maintenance state as well as flight-ready.
10 April 2014, 19:54

Die kleine Fagot gefällt mir sehr gut. Cockpit und Schleudersitz machen echt was her.
11 April 2014, 17:11

Thank you Es-haq! I have finished sanding and cleaning up by now, so I can think about the preshading... this time "reversed" vor the black underside of the nightfighter.
12 April 2014, 18:15

Some mor pictures of this Tamiya-kit: the engine looked a little bit bare of details, so I used pictures of the original Nene and various wires and cables to improve this.
15 April 2014, 04:42

Fuselage and engine parts are ready for the final paint-sessions; I will start with the nightfighters "black" underside, which will be preshaded with shades of brown. The "black" itself will consist of a mixture of Gunzes RLM 66, black and some parts of brown colour.
18 April 2014, 07:53

Thank you for this friendly rating David! Recently I´m working on the final appearance of the Klimow- there will soon be pictures of the finished engine.
18 April 2014, 19:37

Some pictures of the fuselage and the engine, both just painted and, of course, not finished. Tomorrow I will remove the masking of the black underside- I am keen to see all three shades together....
26 April 2014, 18:51

Love the camo. I wish I could have such airbrush skill. What is your setup, Roland?
26 April 2014, 19:05

David, Mike, thank you alot for these kind words... The Fagot is ready for the decals by now, pictures will follow 🙂
27 April 2014, 17:45

Wow, das Triebwerk sieht Hammer aus! Natürlich auch der Rest...einfach nur Klasse!
Wow, the engine looks really good, of course also the rest of the build, really like it!
27 April 2014, 17:51

Hallo Roland!
Das Ding habe ich vor Jahren auch mal gebaut. Ist ein sehr schöner Bausatz. In der Hand eines Meisters wie Dir wird das wie immer top!
27 April 2014, 18:10

I really like that camoflague scheme, great work, as usual, Roland!
27 April 2014, 20:46

Hey guys! Thank you for your very kind comments! That is a very pleasing kit, never mind the year of it´s first edition. I am keen to make a comparison with Trumpeters Mig-15bis with my next build.
Christian: so ein dickes Lob färbt die meisterlichen Wangen rot... 🙂
28 April 2014, 19:33

Jo mei, Roland, da hast Du ja wieder ein kleines Schmuckstück auf die Fahrwerksbeine gestellt!😄
29 April 2014, 13:15

Moin Holger! Auf dem Fahrwerk steht genau genommen noch nix... allerdings sind die Decals draufgekommen. Ihr seht hier die "Fagot" schön Klarlack-speckig, Verschmutzung und washing fehlt noch gänzlich- das folgt jetzt!
Decals have been applied, next time will see a thorough washing and some tear and wear.
30 April 2014, 19:10

Whaaa ... die sieht super aus! Einmal mehr: Eine top Leistung. Ich mag die "Tigerstreifen" sehr ...
30 April 2014, 19:54

Thank you for this motivation, mates! Motivating indeed... to get this one through the finish line!
1 May 2014, 20:08

Thank you both! The "Fagot" absolved it´s "maiden flight" today and is not on the workbench anymore...
Everything went together well- except the scratched gun barrels. It needed some hard work to get them fixed on the plastic in a firm and solid way.
After all I am happy that Tamiyas rather aged Fagot behaved quite well in my hands- and now I am curious about Trumpeters Mig-15...
Thank you for your interest!
8 May 2014, 16:54

I have Trumpeters 1/32 scale Mig 15 for the price you can't go wrong. And I bought the Eduard Mig 15 detail set and photo etch cockpit detail set.
9 May 2014, 01:58

Thanks everybody for these kind words! Clifford, I know that kit and, to be honest, did not dare to start it 🙂 Would love to see it built!
9 May 2014, 12:15

Your words make me glad, thank you very much! Cutting Edges "Korea" sheet and Tamiyas kit: two incredients for an rather easy nonetheless satisfying modeling experience...
15 May 2014, 15:22

Your words make my day happy, thank you both for words and interest!
17 May 2014, 11:28