Northern Virginia Modelers Model Classic 2014
1 30 April 2014, 16:20

The Northern Virginia Model Classic 2014 was held at Fairfax VA High School. It was a very nice contest. Lots of vendors and models. I did win a 3rd place for my Gemini Spacecraft.
30 April 2014, 17:05

Wow, big event with nice models! Thanks for sharing across the pond, John! 😉
30 April 2014, 17:08

Thanks to all, I hope I did not miss ID any models. If I did let me know.
30 April 2014, 18:23

Great job! Congratulations for your Gemini! Thanks for sharing your photos and thanks for the captions! Should have taken a lot of time!
30 April 2014, 19:44

what a school... feels 5 times bigger than the one I went in..
nice models, thanks for shareing 👍
1 May 2014, 15:09

Fabian, Fairfax High School is a very large and nice High School. Fairfax County VA also has lots of MONEY and it shows
1 May 2014, 15:44

Thanks for photos, there's a good mixture of types for future reference!
1 May 2014, 18:08

That high school is bigger than my middle and highschool combined lol
awesome models. The puma with pak gun is from a guy on youtube
3 May 2014, 13:47

Thx for sharing!
My favorites pics are the B-1 Roll Out, the last gun fighter F-8 and all those nice Race cars.
Virginia, I was never there but it reminds me of good whisky and fine tobaco and of course my good old friend and modeller Scott Bregi. He is living in the south of Virginia, Newport News as I remember me right. He was several years member in our club. Great time it was!
3 May 2014, 15:00

I like the information papers for contest models. The part of individual and additional discription is a great feature.
Wish we could introduce this or similar papers at European model contests.
3 May 2014, 17:06

Wow, great photos John. I wish I could have taken more but I forgot my camera bag and only had a 50mm fixed which was a pain in the you know what.
6 May 2014, 01:40

very impresive, touhg I felt a littel claustrophobic even from pictures...jajaja
6 May 2014, 04:42