P-51D Da Quake
3 11 July 2014, 22:15

Awesome ! And seeing as you are making a pair I'll say it again, AWESOME !! 😄
11 July 2014, 22:25

thanks guys. for the seatbelts I used a mix , the belts are from Kamizukuri and the buckles are from HGW
13 July 2014, 13:40

Hi Tim!!! I don't know why, but I've only just seen this thread😮
That first pic is what attracted my attention to it...
My first thought was, is this a reference pic of what a used cockpit seat should like ??? No These are modelled ! AWESOME Tim...
Truly inspirational stuff well done;)
My interest was tickled as I also make cockpit seats with safety belts, and I do do battled scarred RED racers occassionally...
So I'll be following this thread with belated interest😄
24 July 2014, 07:02

thankyou guys for your kind compliments, I really appreciate it. I have to say, these new Tamiya kits are truly a joy to build, especially the Mustangs.
24 July 2014, 16:16