God Damm volcanoe's !!

Well I'll take a seat, it looks like an interesting story and project.

It will be the most intricate build I have ever done Christian, but I am trying to get hold of a couple of "Chain Hoists' from a Dutch site (scale-world.nl/e-store/products/298/4235/) for the top of the mobile gantry used by the ground crews for hoisting the engines up and down from the air frame, but I can't get them as they don't have Australia in their list, as they have every other place on earth, but no Australia, so I cant complete the order. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr(Mad as hell).🙁

It seems to me too Kerry that this is an ambitious project but because of the old Revell kit you use. But that is what I like on modelmaking and what it makes it worth when you take a look to your later finished work!
Mmhhh, Australia is not to oversea when you take a look to the southern hemisphere and a lot of modelmakers come from down under. May you should send an information to the shop to take a look to Scalemates and the 150 listed modelmakers from Australia!

great documentation and great work! I'll take a seat as I have this kit also in my stash.

Don't forget the beer Thomas, and welcome to my mish mash. LOL. 🙂

Hi Gerald, and I hope it turns out like the picture I have in my head mate, but Mr Murphy may have a hand in this yet. LOL 🙂

Wow Kerry,this is a great subject ! I ' curious on how you make this scene materialize out of your head onto the dio or vignette ! 🙂

Mate, that's the thing I am really having some serious thinking about.

I really love this little, or in this case not so little story telling sceneries, and there is not even the slightest doubt
That this one will be a most inspiring one. So, I' m in the first row. 🙂

Ah , here we go ! Lots of gear involved, great and atmospheric picture !
I have found a picture that you might find usefulor at least interesting.
I 'll put it in an album, as I seem to be unable to paste a pic into this posting on my tablet.

I have really bitten a big one here, and looking at what others have done with the B-17 over the years, and especially with the amount of update materials that are on the market today, I just wanted to get past that "B-17 on an airfield apron somewhere in the war", so I had to make it visual in so many ways.
Yeah, and I have the truck by Tamiya, and some resin chain hoists by Tiger , a Verlinden set of superchargers, as they would have been damaged by the ash as well, so I do have a lot to do. 🙂

Ulf, Thanks for looking in and wanting to hang around. I can tell you, the more I get into what I am doing, the more it scares me, as I think I may have overstepped the mark. :-/
There are just so many things to consider I had not thought about before, but poor planning has always stuffed me up.
But I take heart, after looking at your magnificent dio you have just finished, I see just how much is in front of me and no short cuts either, so I will be asking you for some advice along the way mate, as I am sure you will have answers for me, and some hints as well.
I am just now, sorting out the internals of the Fortress, not that there will be much of it visible, but it's the frame hoist and ladders and creating that "Feel" visually like your masterpiece I am aiming for, no "Stiffness" but a 'fluid' look, of motion and activity. OH!, You know what I mean. 🙂
Back to it for now.
So catch ya later mate.
Kezza. 🙂

HaHa!😄 Well, Thanks! I am curious to see how I could be helpful. The requirements of your project are quite different to what I have done as last... But of course I would be glad!

The surroundings are my biggest concern, like with your dio, all spaces were 'filled' with something, but with the parking bay on an old Italian airfield, I will have to limit the 'background' so that I can make the activity that is going on around the aircraft the centre of attention, even though there will be a bloody huge B-17 right in the middle of it all, I am wanting the 'focus' on the 'activity'.
Even though this aircraft has flow through a volcanic ash cloud, I am not really trying to replicate any 'effect' it may have had on the B-17 it's self, but, as I said, 'the job at hand', and all the equipment in play that all these guys will be surrounded with, is where I am aiming all my effort.
I guess 'spacing' will be important, as I don't want to overcrowd it and create a logjam, and this is where I need to hear what you have in your head about a way to do that. :-/

Now thats a Project right to my favor! You will be busy for month, i presume! "Someone pass me a beer, please!" I´ll stay here and watch, Kerry!🙂

Very interesting! All right, tell me when you get to the point that you need input.👍

HOLGER. !!! G'day cobber, how are you. ?
Ulf and I are having a chat about what I can do here, and I will be needing some help from all you master dio builders on how to get some good results, as I have never done a dio as complicated as this will be, and being a virgin, I will want some help, (he He He)/
I will repost the image of what I am trying to replicate.

Kerry, `ol sailor, i´m fine thanks! 😄
I´m more than curious how this here will turn out! Is there any aftermarked you didnt bought? LOL🙂 How are you?

Just found this on wiki:
At the time of the eruption, the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) 340th Bombardment Group was based at Pompeii Airfield near Terzigno, Italy, just a few kilometers from the eastern base of the mountain. The tephra and hot ash damaged the fabric control surfaces, the engines, the Plexiglas windshields and the gun turrets of the 340th's B-25 Mitchell medium bombers. Estimates ranged from 78 to 88 aircraft destroyed.[57]
Ash is swept off the wings of an American B-25 Mitchell medium bomber of the 340th Bombardment Group on March 23, 1944 after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
The eruption could be seen from Naples. Different perspectives and the damage caused to the local villages were recorded by USAAF photographers and other personnel based nearer to the volcano.[58

Hi Kezza,
I'm really learning how you do it (with or without old kits), but as usual in your projects, Great Detailing work Kezza. 👍
Keep your good spirits high about it and I'm sure you will present us another piece of Model Art 😉
@Hanno, excellent colour photograph mate.

Rui, Thanks for the vote of confidence mate, and I think I do get a little lost in the detail at times. :-/
But to NOT do it would be worse, if you get my drift. ! 🙂
And I just got an email that the bits I ordered to help me finish the Pratt and Whitney "Wasp" are on their way from the USA, so I will be able to finish at least one project. Doh! 🙂

LOL, yeah, maybe when hell freezes over mate. 🙂
Oh well, back to the pit.
Cheers mate.
Kezza. 🙂

how did I miss this one, some great efforts being made on this so far and no expense spared by the looks of things 🙂

Welcome to the bottomless pit of update kits and imagination Choppa. 🙂

"Welcome to the bottomless pit of" - Detailing, Upgrading very old but beautiful kits 😉 "no expense" - or time to spare 😄 hoo, and a new job on hands? a nice DIO this time 👍

Rui, You certainly can 'read between the lines' mate. LOL 🙂
At the moment I am doing the cockpit interior with the PE and there are little levers and switches that NO ONE will see, but they are there. Duuuuuuuuuh !

Please make a load of pix from the pit! Not only for us, make some for yourself!

Thx mate, yes, there are one or two things I can do hehehe. but they are there, so you see them,... I get your drift, Good luck, kezza 🙂

Great progress 🙂 You got some sweet attention to details. This is going to be your winner in august, right?

Vegard, I am getting through it at a snails pace, but I really have to make haste as I have got stuff to do I haven't even thought of yet, but that's always the way.discovering something vital is not done yet. !!! But thanks for your reassuring words mate, I need them. :-/ LOL

Hi, Kezza. I wonder what kind of electronic microscope do you use hehe, keep on the good work mate 👍

It certainly seems to get that way Rui, but I wear the jewellers magnifying goggles and a pair of glasses that would help a blind man see. !!!

Hehe (((😄))). I saw it in the photo but the jewelers magnifying is just for one eye, is it easy to work with?

Three lenses, The third one (Small circular) is for the one eye if needed, but there is an other lense folded back behind the fixed twin lense in the front.
The small round one is vey hard to work with, as you lose you 'depth' looking through just one eye. :-/

Wow, fantastic work on the seats, cockpit, engines and these wonderful crates Kerry ! A real heap of work ahead of you, but there's no doubt you will make the most of it, as well as stun us !

Hanno, I really appreciate your enthusiastic encouragement mate and it means a great deal coming from you mate. 🙂 👍.

Nice work so far Kerry 🙂 Like always!
Im really looking forward to see the finished project.

I'm very interesting in your job...that regards a page of history of my Country. So far, you'are doing an exceptional work. Carry on !!! 😄

Soeren, Rui and Christian. Thank you for the enthusiastic following and support for my efforts.
It is a most demanding thing now, as every time I finish something, I have to backtrack and make sure it's still on track, because new pictures pop into my head about more I can add, so I do the new thing and spend hours catching up on what I had to leave.....................But look who I am talking to. LOL. Three guys who I am sure have done the exact same thing 🙂
Christian, I noticed the tri-colour flag, and from what area do you belong ?
The tripods have really been a most interesting part of the build, as the more I study the images, the more detail I notice, and the platforms that will be positioned at the engine area. Mmmmmm
Keep on truckin'.
cheers. 🙂

A Wasp in a box, that looks amazing Kerry. And all the other extremely fine details and sub assemblies in progress. Very nice and convincing work mate! By the way, the working platform shown in photo no. 48 seems to have a canvas cover instead of a wooden planking?!
Cheers mate and keep on the fine work on this!

Kerry I'm of the north of Italy (40 Km south of Milan)... but my wife was born in Naples...she knows Vesuvio well 😄

Christian, er, sorry, Hawkeye, you are spot on with your super keen observations mate !!. In fact, it is a translucent sheet like plexiglass, as you will also see a strut that is attached to it right in the middle, with an adjustable inner, and the hooks on each corner too. The whole platform is mounted on wheels too, and I may have a problem finding something that will suit.
Your location for somewhere to live is a place that half the world would give their right arm to be. You are most fortunate mate, and I 'googled maps' your location as well, Spectacular is one word !! :-8.
I live near the beach on the east coast of Australia, and I love it too. Great weather all year round. 🙂 👍

Christian, I have tried to rectify the "opaque" plank/walk way on the platform by using the flattest piece of a plastic milk container, and for me...............It worked ! 🙂.
Let me know your opinion to please guys. 🙂 👍

lets have a look what up here. Uhhh, These Wasps in the crate Looks extremely awesome!8)

I am posting some pics here of how I hope to make the "Collector" pipe.
It is the main "ring" exhaust pipe that collects all that is normally wasted and feeds all the exhaust gasses to the supercharger, and as there are NONE available as a kit, I am attempting to make my own, otherwise, some rivet counter will see that it is not anywhere around and downgrade the whole build.

I think you found a convincing solution for the platform, once the paint is on, it will look authentic.
Were they made of wood or metal originally ?

Originally, I really do not know Hanno, but the ones used in the latter part of the conflict were all quick storage type of thing, but the opaque plexi glass is a new one for me. !! And like everything the yanks pointed a spray gun at usually turned drab khaki green.

Hey Kerry, the platform looks very nice and comes absolutely close to the original one. Have you thought to use wheels of cars in scale 1:160 or 1:220. This is a common scale for small model railways and there is a lot of extra next to the rolling stock, like automobiles, lorries etc. May you'll found something that will fit?!
Cheers, Christian

Christian, Thanks for the tip on the wheels mate, and I will go and talk to the Train guy just over the back from me here and in fact, it is a shop that deals in all miniatures for doll houses and I shop there for my plastistrutt items. The frames are so fragile and they always break with the slightest handling. I am wanting everything to be as accurate as possible, so I will see if there are wheels first.

I think I may have solved the 'wheels' issue by using some of the spru from the B-17 kit.

Great progress here Kerry! 😄 As I've said before, I just love the crates for the engines, gonna copy those one day for sure! 😉
Looking forward to seeing how the brilliantly made scaffoldings will look in this dio. You know how I love such stuff! Smart job on the wheels, I'm convinced this one is going to blow everyone away!

I can only hope Camilla.
I will do a pic series on the crates for you too. 🙂

Good to have your keen eye on my work again Mike, and thanks for your kind words, I really appreciate them.

Mike, I have thought about you down there and wondered how you are. Good to chat again my friend. 😉 👍

Yes mate, The painting will start as I get to the stage of not handling things so much, as at the end of the work platforms comes the 'A' frame tripods, for which I have two chain hoists coming from Tiger, newtmd.com/, similar to the ones in the images, the manually operated type. But the tripod has some interesting aspects to it in the way of securing cables and guide wires that keep it all from collapsing when loaded up, like with a motor or such, so I am going to be engrossed in that for a bit.

You don't do things by half Kerry. Build is looking great and love the story behind it. Some great pictures of the 1944 eruption on line. I can't believe they were still flying around it over the next few days. Need must I guess.

Crazy more like it David, as the further I get into it, the more I find I am doing, and factually, I had better get it right. !!
Gareth, when I see pics of the eruption, I am amazed too that they flew through it, but I guess they knew nothing about what the contents of the clouds were doing to their machinery, until it was too late. LOL . !!!
Thank you both for your comments, they are much appreciated and encouraging. 🙂 👍.

One of those Cyclone engines would make me itch, but four of them??? You must be insanely motivated, Kerry! 🙂
Great project, I really like it when old kits were brought back to life with loads of scratch work.

Torben, I thank you for you comments mate, but I must tell you, it takes about 30 minutes to put one of these beautifully detailed engines together, and I had it all sussed out by the third one and I will eventually have seven of them, with the old being replaced by the new..
And, over the years I have built about four or five of the "G" model, and I have always been motivated by the original diorama by Shep Payne, with the coloured leaflet that came in the box with the model, and has been that way from day one of its issue. 🙂
Cheers. 🙂 👍.

The platforms look great with these sprue sourced wheels Kerry, grand idea ! 🙂

Thanks mate, I am really pleased with the platforms and as for the wheels, I just KNEW there was something I already had that would come in handy' LOL 🙂 👍

Hi Kerry, just saw this build and I'm looking out for a seat so I can follow. Too early for a beer but a cup of coffee will do.
Things a bit slow my side, missing some mojo. Convinced this will be another stunning build.

Ah, Erwin, 🙂!! Flattery eh. ??? OK, but the coffee is decaf LOL. G'day mate, pleased to meet you, and there is plenty of room, and lots of chat, so hang around and we can sort something out, now I will see what albums you have here so I can have some common ground so to speak. Edit time. 🙂. Well, you certainly have a mixed bag in the album dept, I am impressed with the diversity. Cheers. 🙂
Cheers 🙂 👍.

This is incredible what you make of this model again. Kerry. Fascinating to see to build step by step. 👍👍👍

Welcome back folks. ! 🙂And now, in the next exciting chapter of today's drama !!!..................."Chain hoists", YES !!!!, chain hoists, and watch as they come together and be amazed by Kerry's outburst when things don't go right. !!!! So, don't touch that channel changer folks, and we will be right back. 🙂 👍

Never mind the chain hoists, when do you start work on the volcano? 😉

There are so many facets to this build, I keep asking myself when I will be getting to that as well. LOL 🙂
I am having concerns that I will not have it finished in time as I have just started doing the prep for the actual model assembly. !
Cheers. 🙂

I have managed to miss this build so far.....It is very entertaining and I'm pulling up a chair to see the rest of it

Looks great so far, will be following closely as I may learn a few things 🙂

Wim, Gareth and Hunter, thanks for looking in guys, as this is really an exciting part of this build for me, as all the things that were in my head are now starting to appear, and just now, I have learned to twist thin copper wire to make it look like a shackle as the ones I had used just before looked awfully over scale, (check the previous images with the Chain hoist it's self)and desperation encourages you to do things you never dreamed of, so I am learning, and I can certainly pass on all my knowledge to those who have a need to know.
Cheers. 🙂 👍

Holy Moly that looks nice Kerry. I like your idea with the wheels – this is a real modelers way to tackle a problem – made it from scratch!
The chain hoist's look nice and the small shackles are impressive even in that scale!
Cheers, Christian

Thanks again guys, and today, I really must make some progress on the actual B-17, as I have been so engrossed in all the 'outside' of the dio, I may run short of time, so I am pushing like hell to get it 'looking something' !!!
Cheers. 🙂

Lol. Hey if it takes a while to make it "look something" then so be it 🙂 Looks phenomenal

Well, I have altered the size of the white metal shackles by making my own from copper wire and dressmaking pins, and I do believe they are more to scale that the original ones I had. 🙂

Looks great, I really need to learn your scratch building abillities

Hunter, I have a pair of the finest tipped tweezers for the copper wire, and the wire is "telephone' wire when the world was connected that way..
I first 'anneal' the wire to make it more manageable (heat it up) and that way it is like putty.
After you have heated it, use a nylon dish scourer to polish off the oxidation and use it as you need.
That tip is $5.00 please. 🙂 👍 LOL

j£$U$ !!!
I knew inflation was bad but to go from 2 pence to $5 is a 10,000 % mark up !!! 😄

I have some of that electrical wire your talking about but it's used on the wiring for snoopers and just vehicles in general lol. Where did you get these fine as check tweezers? Lol. I will send it through pay pal lol

Ah, a question has been asked....debt cancelled. 🙂 I will source the make of the tweezers and post it for you Hunter. 🙂 The copper wire I am talking about is the thickness of a dress makers pin/needle. (Hunter, Don't mind Chopper, he has been asking exorbitant fees for his advice, mush worse than mine 😉) 👍

Hunter, there are two I can find for tweezers, but I will look further.
"Proedge" and "Eclipse"
I have looked on Google and mine are by "Eclipse"

Oh I see now haha I will have to go buy some! Haha I would have never paid his ridiculous fee 😉 😛. I will do some research on both and decide which is best and find a dealer

Nice progess Kerry, both the tripods and the scaffolding looks awesome! 🙂

Thank you Camilla.
Today is a milestone as I paint all the little black boxes, oxy bottles, fire extinguishers, and place my hand made breathing tubes. I also bought a display base for the dio that I will start mapping out "Places everyone" !!!
I can see some light at the end of the tunnel finally. 😛

Good to hear, Kerry 😄
You've inspired me and Camilla to start on 1 of our Revell 1/72 B-17s. Now we've just started building the Memphis Belle together 🙂

The "Belle" ! 🙂, How wonderful mate, and you will thoroughly enjoy it too.
Just go and "Google Images" the whole lot for reference pics.
Doh ! 😛 But I shouldn't have to tell you that ! 😛. Darrrrrr
Yet, if it wasn't for all the images there, I would never have seen my dream diorama images.
Have fun. 🙂 👍

Sounds great Kerry! 🙂 Ooh, I'm so excited about your build! Me and Vegard are at the front row! The "Belle" has been fun so far, building more on it tomorrow.

The Video is on how to create battle damage using a dremel power tool.
I hope you like it.

Shep Payne, the famous American Modeller was the one I saw do it many years ago.🙂 Google him.🙂

Sheperd Paine - "American Master Modeller" indeed. The production hall dio is my favourite.

We all should take a leaf out of his book and think the impossible.
I just hope my dio will look half as good as Sheps, and I will say I have achieved something.
Thank Vegard for posting this for all of us to see.
Most inspirational. 🙂

I have no doubt that you will make something that could compete with Sheperd's models, Kerry. Seriously 😉

That is one hell of a compliment Vegard. !!
Now the pressure just increased 1000%. :-8
I will try and do my best.
Cheers. 🙂

Looking great mate and a wonderful idea for the diorama! Shep was probably the best back in his days and he hadn't the luxury we've got today with better aftermarket goodies and a lot of research plus he didn't have the internet as well. Today with all the better stuff and gear we've got you'll find quite a lot of builders that match or is far better than Shep. But he made most of his stuff from scratch back in his day and that still warrant him his status as the modeller we look up to and try to better. But you Kerry is one of those builders that can match Shep today.

Urban, !!! I am most humbled by your kind words indeed my friend. I totally agree with you about Shep's work and his skills, and there was and still is, none finer.
I will always remember opening my first B-17G kit and to be greeted by the Shep Payne colour insert and, right then, I was inspired to always do my best.
The after market stuff in my opinion, has made some of us 'lazy' in terms of creating, making, scratching and daring to be different.
My dad, (RIP) used to make the molten alloy aircraft and his own moulds to pour it into as well, and I still have a number of them, and it was his influence that got me interested in scale modelling, and he would come home with some wonderful kits, and we would build them, and he was always looking for something more to do with them, "To improve em'" as he said. !
This one when its finished will have it's own display case made for it.
I am just now, working out the visuals of the dio, placing bits and pieces for effect and impact, and I just bought from Japan Tamiya, a 1/48 Jeep, just to add to the busy clutter.
Thanks again mate🙂

I see turrets! Does this mean we're getting close to fuselage halfes being joined together? 😄

Fantastic mate! and yes, great progress 😄 Looks like a lot of the interior details can be seen from the outside too 👍

LOL, I thought so too. ! 🙂
I have been able to make windows with the clear paper glue and it looks more like the real glazing than the stick on ones.
I am at the stage of cleaning up that HUGE seam/join line on the Fort' and going nuts thinking of how It will "look" in the sense of arranging all the service crew and their 'poses', so I bought a 1/48 Jeep by Tamiya to fill it up a bit more, but it's the 'ground' I am more concerned with, and I was thinking of dusty brown, being an Italian scene, and will love any feed back on your collective ideas guys.
Cheers. :-/

Looks great Kerry!!!! How will you deal with the raised panel lines?

Hunter, I have to give the whole aircraft a selective sanding with 1200 wet and dry, avoiding the small access units with the raised screw heads and such, but just enough to "Dull" the sharpness of them without going silky smooth.
I will be using the clear paper glue on all clear parts to stop any 'crazing'.
I will keep you up to date mate. 🙂
Cheers 👍

Wether the panel lines are recessed or slightly raised, They will be smothered in paint, in all, three layers and they would disappear, so I am not overly concerned and nor am I inclined to sit for hours just to put a scratch in a straight line to please some rivet counter at a model show. I like the hobby for the hobby's sake, but I am not all pedantic and perfection driven, like that is all that matters.
To each his own I say.
Cheers. :-/

I understand and I agree with you and just like the hobby for what it is. Screw rivet counters lol

Hunter, I have just spent the last hour or so researching the construction of the B-17 and I was fascinated and pleased and more relieved, to see that there are not any "recessed" panel lines as such, anywhere on the aircraft because the whole surface of the aircraft is totally the 'overlap and rivet' system of surface structure, and I am NOT going to sit here for how many days, weeks, months, years, replicating over 800,000 rivets.!!!!!! 🙂
So, I am relieved to find that out, as you really had me thinking of 'recessed' lines, and I will be happy to go with how it is turning out. 🙂

Haha, fun, I once build an old Frog Avro Shackleton that the British called: "40.000 rivets flying together in close formation" . Sanding them on the 1/72 kit was a job on its own, let alone creating them!!!!

I can see your issue with the ground for the diorama. The aerial shots of the airfield from the 40's I found are; of course, black and white and look dusty, but up to date Google map shows the whole area green. I think you are going to have some texture fun with this mate. March time means the grass is green, but heavy use of the airfield means plenty of tracks over the grass and large worn patches and pathways. Plus the B17 would have been parked on a "Hard Standing" (concrete area) to be able to use the staging and cranes. Soil is quite rich and dark in most parts of Italy but the heavier worn areas would have become drier and dustier and overlap to some of the concrete. You need some 1:48 push bikes to go with that Jeep! You may have seen the picture before but below is a link to a B17 having a full engine change. I think one of the engines is being balanced upright with the prop shaft on a jerrycan.

I have seen some push bike kits, and I will definatly look at what Tamiys have on offer. Great pic that is SO clear in detail too.

Wow Kerry, I never knew that! So even the real ones has "raised panel lines". And dontvworryvabout the rivets, they look just fine! And I am pleased to hear that I put a bug in your ear

Hunter, Thanks for that mate, and you certainly did put a bug in my ear. 🙂
I see on the HK models of the B-17G in 1/32, they say there are 'recessed' panel lines, but I have a problem with that statement.
I was looking for a web site that I could get this info and I found one that lets you go right through the whole service and maintenance manual.
Anything you want to know in the way of Aviation is there as I found to my amazement.

Holy Moly all the delicate work with the PE frames for each window. That looks really sharp Kerry!
Cheer, Christian

The kit is so old the box is turning yellow 😄 Tell me; do you like the smell of old kits cardboard boxes 🙂 ?
However, It's amazing what can be achieved with such old model with patience and dedication .. good luck.

Hi Tex, I love the smell of turps in the morning, and anything else dealing with old kits. Ha ha ha. 🙂 But these models of the B-17G are the reissued kits, made in the late 80's in China with the original dies, so not so "Old".
Thank you all gentlemen, and I will, one day, reveal my secret as to how I managed to get each window's glass to the exact size. 🙂
Cheers. 🙂

Does anyone know where I can obtain a couple of 1/48 push bikes ? As the only ones available are all in 1/35.

Not really Kerry. Protar do some 1/9 push bikes but they're also more modern and I'm guessing not what you're wanting.

Hi Ben, I was hoping to include them in my diorama, as there is a pic that shows two bikes in amongst all the engines near a work table, and 1/48 bikes would be so small, they could only ever be used in a dio setting. Pity. :-/.
I have seen one included in an Eduard kit of a 1/48 Japanese pilot standing next to one.

Maybe it was a 1/35 and a small Japanese man 🙂
You've been a wonderful audience.



Gareth, I am in your debt mate, and I am so looking forward to them arriving now, lol.
and there is so much more I could look at doing now with what I see they have.
cheers 🙂

you're welcome. Once you start looking it gets dangerous. Brengun is another good site.

Gareth, You devil you. LOL 🙂
I am just so amazed at what is 'out there' for the scale modeller, and I know, that if I do start spending and doing, well, you know the rest. 😉

The colour of the bomb bay doors are splendid, Kerry! I hope they dont get sprayed zink chromate?

The inside will be zinc Holger. I have not seen any that have not been zinc chromate as yet. :-/

I barely have time for my build because of this place, as I am always fascinated by just how much help and support happens here. I love it. 🙂 👍

It's always good to have somewhere you can go for help and support! My name is Gareth, I'm a habitual modelmaker, I have a problem. lol

Great idea for an diorama and magnificent scratch-work Kerry!! I love you boxes for the Cyclones!

Bernhard, I get the feeling that the shipping boxes are a tad 'over scale'. but I will leave it as it is for the moment. :-/
Thank you so much for your compliments, and your opinion, as it is of great value to me to know your 'in my corner' so to speak, as it is a big task I have taken on, and I am only now just realising I should have had this planned months ago, But, that's what we do at times. :-/
Cheers mate. 🙂 👍

Wow very nice and fast progress. Looks nice and I can't wait to see more!

Christian, Thanks mate for your kind words of encouragement. 🙂
I have put myself "Under the hammer' now, and I am just waiting for some extra bits from overseas to give the picture in my mind some sense of contentment with what I am doing.
I am keeping some things 'under my hat' for the rest of the build, but I will post the odd 'progress' report. LOL 🙂
Cheers. 🙂 👍

Clifford, When I first opened my B-17G when I was a kid and pulled out the colour insert of the pranged B-17 by Shep Payne, I was inspired to one day, "Do something like he does", and this dio is my humble attempt to show that I think I have matured enough to 'have a go', and I am hoping I can do his inspiration justice.🙂

Shaping up nicely 👍 🙂
Can you set your "teaser" to the beginner of your latest photo batch ? 😄

Hi Kerry, i see picture 121 and my opinion is that better will be made color triangels with numbers, decal seems to "hard", mainly number 2 is unrealistic...

Jan, I am wondering what your meaning by picture 121, as that is the whole decal and it is not made up of other decals, and this is the 'colours' of "Thunderbird".

I need to have an opinion Gareth.
I am working out wether I should go with the larger base or the smaller one the teaser is on. ?

Well Mr Cox, let's be practical about this. How big is the cabinet it going in? I was looking at the build thinking "where the bloody hell is that going". I think you could afford for the base to be a little bigger and recreate more of the scene from the photograph, but to be honest the size you have there now with all the goodies going is should be good. I think I know what you're thinking, danger of making it too busy, but the real thing wouldn't be too spread out and with a 4 engine change it would be busy……My final thought, go in inch wider all round so the plane isn't hanging over (less likely to knock her) and a little extra room at the front for the truck, bikes and tools. Might even be able to fit in a small field tent behind one of the wings used to keep tool, spare parts and paperwork dry.

That is exactly what I wanted to see Gareth.
Overcrowding would "Choke" the whole thing, and the base underneath is just as you described, and the next pic you will see is the larger base with the 'spread' and I think the size will be what you are talking about.

Take a look at the new update, with a lot more room and easier on the eye, and you can "take it all in".

Teaser still set to first picture !! 😄 😄 😄
Anyhow, moving along 🙂
My view on model bases is that the plan view of the diorama should be at least large enough to encompass the span of the model so nothing over hangs the edges such that each edge of the dio can be pushed up against a wall without touching any of the models on the diorama 🙂
So looking at the photo I'd say about another 15% larger would do it 😄
That is my penneths worth 😉

I really appreciate the input guys, as I was not too sure if I was just going too big for the sake of it, but now that the stuff is basically all I have, it will have to be a reasonable spread, as it took a lot of ground crew to effect a full engine change, as the photos I have seen indicate.
Our build is looking good guy's. LOL 😉

Hi Kerry, I think the main important thinking is, various focal points work better then a crowd spread around, so it will all depend on the right positioning of the main subject and the configuration of the base.
For example, in a square type base, if you position the main subject in a 45º angle in a way that the nose, tail and the wing tips, in direction to the corners of the base, might permit a smaller base with less residual (negative) spaces, even if the main subject is not in a central position.
A rectangular base with the same positioning (the main subject angled but not in a central position) will leave a bigger residual space to add other focal points with the right positioning.
You have to play with them to find the best result, because the height of the various subjects can also take a lot of protagonism, but I think you know all that, better them me 🙂

Rui, I have moved the 17' around to various positions, and I see in the photos I have, there is quite a bit of activity in the back ground, like a mess tent and material from inside the aircraft on the ground, but I will get the 'balance' before too long, as it is a "canvas" and the strokes have not painted the stoty yet, but it will grow.
I really thank you for you observations and suggestions mate.
Cheers. 😉

Hi Kerry, sorry, i wrote it bad...my opinion was, that number two is on wrong position in your model, you can see on linked sheet and all numbers are moved on one side...number 2 in your model is "in the air"...look on link you send, and you find, that decals in link are different that decals on your model...

I couldn't explain why, but I like the bigger Base better. The overall proportions just look more harmonic to me. Great to see it all come together now. 🙂

yeah the small base looks to cluttered, give it a little room to breath 🙂

I'm going to be the voice of dissension here; I think the smaller base looks much better. I understand it's more crowded, but the visual tension created by the aircraft breaking the boundaries of the base makes it much more dynamic and dramatic.

mmm I prefer the endless vista feeling and plus hanger rash might be increased with wings hanging over edges

Ok, Now, I just might go "Middle ground" and look for a base that will be the in between of the two, and that way, I can address all the suggestions and comments and have a happy ending.
I really am not happy with either of the bases I currently have, and it's for all the reasons you have all said, such as exceeding the 'boundary' with the overhang into the dio next to me if there is one, And trying to 'fill' the spaces of the larger base with the possibility of losing the 'focus' on the engine work, as the focus I am seeking is on the 'activity' surrounding the huge amount of work and material that it takes to do such a huge job 'in the field' with no hangar or workshop in sight.
So, I am not rejecting any thoughts or ideas at all, if anything, I am taking all you have said and using it as best I can, having never built a dio like this in my life, it was why I turned to my scalemates for their input, and it has all been invaluable, almost like a group build.
Your all my hero's.
Thanks guys. 👍 🙂

Es-Haq. !!!! G'day mate. Good to see you. 🙂 🙂 👍
Thanks mate. 🙂

Hmm...I have a question.
So, folks in Australia actually do say, "G'day, mate"? This isn't just something Paul Hogan pushed on an adoring public?
At least you don't say "dude".
Build is coming along awesome, dude!

Leif, the Aussies are all saying it now so that they can be more like Paul. (LOL, sorry, all of you from OZ, but, I could not resist) I'll sit back now and wait for all the anti-Jarhead jokes from the Aussies that I now richly deserve. (But, Dudes, you gotta admit, it was too good an opening to resist)

And thanks for your compliments too gents, I appreciate them. 🙂 👍.

As I said, I was just taking a shot at you guys. Y'all oughta hear five old Jarheads in a group, taking shots at what each of them used to do in the Corps. "jump??, you jumped out of airplanes??,,,,,while they could still fly??, what is wronggg with you??" "Silly Ramp Roaches, scurrying around everywhere I try to land" "Try to land??, if you were any good at it, you would call it 'landing', not 'trying to land' ", and my own favorite "yes, we dragged the chains back out for your next landing, but, don't forget our case of Pabst"

It is a "lingo" all of it's own in all the services, like my son who is a submariner hates "Skimmers" (surface vessels) and is proud to be a "Pusser" (Sailor), called that because in the early days of sail, there was an issue of rum given out, and the rum was made by "Pussers" distillery. !!And when submariners here get their 'Dolphins' they are handed them in a shot of rum, which they must scoff in one hit, including the "D's"
Great rivalry, no matter who or where you belonged. 🙂 👍

Dudes! Another dialect question...
You mentioned Yanks saying "wadayasay"? When you say Yanks, do you mean just mean USA folks? Or Americans from the East Coast of the US? Really just curious. (My wife is a linguist and she loves this stuff.)
The reason I ask is, where I was a little one in Mississippi, Yank meant any whose state was part of the Union during the War of Secession. My family was from Illinois...we were Yanks. And the Whadayasay thing? I have never heard that and am surprised! Do tell...

Yank is what the world calls Americans, and I know all about the Mason Dixon line and Yankees and the whadahyahsay was all I ever heard the Americans in Viet Nam say to each other or people they didn't know, like us saying'G'daymadeowyagoin' orite?"😭Meaning, Good day mate, how are you going.? Alright ??) When it's said quickly and it becomes one long word, as she is spoke.🙂

Neat! I had never heard that...and AM a Yank. Very interesting. Thank you, Kerry!

In Australia, we have a different 'twang' and accent in various places, but not as noticeable as it is with the American accent, such as the Brooklyn, or drawl of the south and the heavy 'r's' of the west coast, but it's there. As for the Britts, !! now there is a whole different kettle of fish !! :-/.
Cheers. 🙂 👍

I read this with interest. 🙂
A Yankee is someone who lives in the US. But especially in the southern states. But that is my cup of tea, dont know if this is right;)! This discussion reminds me of the rivalry of northern and southern germans. But thats another story😄😄

You have that slightly mixed up, Holger. You have the part that says a Yank is an American in the eyes of the rest of the world. But, as a Northern man that has moved to the South, I can categorically clear up any confusion of the North-South thing. I was born up North, in Wisconsin,,,,and to my new neighbors dowan heyah, I am *still* a Yankee after 23 years here. But, the sad part is that I have been down here in Dixie so long that I have "picked up the tune" enough that when I go back up north to see my Yankee family, my accent causes me to stick out up there too.

Oh what a dilemma for ya, Rex! Thanks for explaining this Yankee thing! 😄

Well my poor wife has picked up the British accent (although she thinks she hasn't) which is a source of amusement to her friends when we go back to Canada. To make it worse she has picked up some of the Cornish slang and a few of my Naval words.

Not good, I think you better tell her to put them down and to stop picking things up that may be harmful. LOL 🙂
Album info
This B-17G was part of a group that had been bombing the Germans as they were retreating back up Italy.
But as they were making their way to home base, Mt Vesuvius had decided to throw an ash cloud into the afternoon sky, 23rd March 1944, and it was one of the biggest erruptions since it devistated Pompeii in 79 AD.
In 1944, as the allies were capturing more and more territory in Italy, the heavy bomber groups were starting to use the captured air fields and Amendola Airfield was home base for this bomb group, and the Amendola Airfield just happened to be about 100 miles East of Mt Vesuvius in a straight line.
at that point in time, all aircraft commanders were unaware of the ash cloud by not being able to see it, as it was getting dark, and as a result, a few of these bombers flew through some of the ash cloud, which had dissipated quite a bit but what was in the air was enough to damage the engines, and thankfully, their home base was a short distance away.
So, the resulting damage from the ash being ing