Finished - Sopwith Pup N6453 CDR E.H. Dunning
Photo 1 of 21
1 27 July 2015, 18:00

I start this for a while. The fuselage halves are still glued and the cockpit interior painted and assembled. I restart this tiny bird and add the landing gear as well as the elevators etc. I cut of the elevators to show them in a downward position. The tiny bird went together well and is now ready for a first coat of primer and paint. The base represent the wooden deck of HMS Furious and was made out of a flat piece of styrene. The deck structure was scribed using a needle and a ruler.
Cheers, Christian
27 July 2015, 18:07

Thx Guido! Hope I'll get it right. I like the scheme and the history about the special plane I want to represent. CDR Dunning was a true pioneer of aviation, sadly he died in a crash on his third try to land aboard HMS Furious.
I noticed Furious has steel deck and I designed a wooden deck – mmhh?!
5 August 2015, 17:08

Looks great. I built the old Airfix kit as Dunning's aircraft a few years ago if you need any help with references.
21 August 2015, 21:00

Thx Mike and good to see ya back here on Scalemates. Yep If you have some do not hesitate to share🙂
Hope all went well, sad you can't manage it in September to be with Don🙁
22 August 2015, 19:01

I just made a new album of the model I built if it helps. Yes shame not to be able to make it but it is a long way for just a one day show. Maybe I can work around a holiday next year.
23 August 2015, 08:38

Well, it is time to finish some old projects before I will go back to HMS Belfast. The Pub is nearly painted. Just the cockades at the elevators and tail are missing. I much like the colors, Linen fuselage, Brown Olive wings and Aluminum cowling.
More soon
Cheers, Christian
19 September 2015, 12:43

Thx Guido🙂
Tail and elevators painted in national colors. Looks quite nice and colorful on this bird.
Cheers, Christian
20 September 2015, 09:20

The wooden base got a first coat of light brown / grey. Rest will be done with washing and highlighting with oils.
Cheers, Christian
4 October 2015, 16:07

The Pup and the base got a wash with oils. I tried to represent the strain on top the fabric surface on the fuselage. From my point of view and for that scale it looks quite well.
Cheers, Christian
18 October 2015, 13:20

Next to my Hellcat another project comes closer to the finish line. Kit decals worked very well, upper wing is still missing, but decals are applied too. Next satin coat of varnish.
Cheers Christian
19 March 2016, 09:31

I was born with and they grow till that size now - what should I do, I have to live with and build in scale 144🙂 🙂 🙂
And thank you Eugen for your kind thumb up🙂
19 March 2016, 10:20

After I add the main struts and rig today this one is finished too.
Even Valom increase the number of WWI aeroplanes kits there are no figures available at the moment. Hopefully Brengun will make some one day.
28 March 2016, 11:59

As all mates before, I am deeply impressed! An impressive build.....
My English abilities can´t find an adoring expression that has not been written yet......
Indeed, a most stunning-Dunning!
29 March 2016, 05:23

As always, you're moving gloriously on the edge of the nano world 🙂, Christian. Beautiful !
29 March 2016, 14:11

Thank you so much mates for your very kind comments. I'm please you like it🙂
@Guido, I use streched sprue. Easy to strech in the thickness you need and easy to cut in length. A technique that worked well in this scale. For larger scales I would use rigging monofilament like Rig that Thing or extra thin fishing line.
Cheers, Christian
29 March 2016, 16:54

Really fine. Live looks incredible. Saw it in Heiden. Great.
8 April 2016, 19:02

Thank you Ricardo. Sad we meet us just at the end of the show. Maybe 2017 in Lingen. Cocngrats to your medal you won in the competition 👍
9 April 2016, 13:37
Album info
Start this for some month ago and get back to it now. I will build CDR Dunning's N6453 in which he died on his third landing aboard HMS Furious on 7th August 1917.