My 13 year old Student
Photo 1 of 6
26 September 2016, 00:42

Nice job coach!! He is a good looking kid, bet he discovers girls soon and spoils your mentorship for a while but you have given him something he can return to later in life. My boy turned 15 today btw
26 September 2016, 03:34

your 13 yo student is better of a modeller than my way older modelling ass. Good for him I hope he keeps doing models for longest time.
26 September 2016, 04:49

Congrats, good to see the younger generation in our hobby, lets hope he sticks with it.😄👍
26 September 2016, 07:42

I think he will be, he bought 10 1:48 models from me at the show.
26 September 2016, 14:28

compared with the stuff my son created that age it´s outstanding - something he can be proud of! 👍
26 September 2016, 15:43

Thanks Mates
He told me saturday he turned down a girl who asked him out. I advised him that it's best that he waits until High School before he dates girls. Models will never leave you hanging.
31 January 2017, 21:29

And he's got the advanced modeller syndrome already. So girls might not be interesting for him.
31 January 2017, 21:33

Great to see a kid making models. Especially when he does an Awesome job.
1 February 2017, 11:51

"Holger Kranich Alwyas good to know that our hobby wont extinct!😉"
With achievements like this he's won't stay for long in it.
1 February 2017, 15:31

Daniel Phelps (SuperBugModels)
What chemicals, tools and materials did he use?
1 February 2017, 15:33

I know he used basic hobby tools, tamiya white putty, testors acrylic, paasche VL airbrush, decals were applied using, micro set, micro sol, and walthers solveset. The flat coat was tamiyas TS-80.
1 February 2017, 15:45

My sincere congratulations to the team, the student and the teacher! Always good to know that young people are not necessarily stucked to a cellphone or a video game!!
1 February 2017, 17:54

Cars & Girls are bound to catch him sooner or later ! Nice modeling, keep it up kiddo, you may end up one of those internet gurus!!
2 February 2017, 02:23

Those are some stunning models. Well done and congratulations to that young man and of course you Daniel. Bravo!
2 February 2017, 12:22
Album info
Here are some Pictures of the 2016 contest here in SLC, Ut.
This young Man with my coaching took First Place and Juniors Best in Show.
He came to me about 2 months ago and asked me to help him learn how to build a model. I was reluctant at first, but I am Very glad persuaded me to help him.
The look on his Face was well worth it.
One Proud Teacher.