Mitsubishi Zero (Big in Japan GB)Bekijk: Diavoorstelling Mozaïek Lijst 1 Photo 1 of 1Opmerkingen 1 30 November 2016, 16:53Spanjaardlooks really good, a few more pictures, specially of the building process would be great😉 30 November 2016, 19:16Clifford KeeslerVery nice. 30 November 2016, 20:57Project infoMitsubishi Zero (Big in Japan GB)1 afbeeldingen1:32Voltooid3+Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero Model 52 日本帝國海軍航空隊 (Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service 1912-1945)652 Air Group, Aircraft Carrier Junyo (Flagship of Carrier Div. 2) 3 320-85Juni 1944 World War 2»Pacific Theatre - Mariana Sea Alle albumsBekijk alle albums »