KV-1 mod.1941 with F-32 Gun, Zvezda,
Photo 1 of 11
1 14 March 2017, 20:11

Fender holders at this scale? You're a braver man than I for even thinking of such a feat.
The tank looks great, looking at the upper hull and turret I would have guessed it was 1:72nd scale, only the thick tracks and awkward wheels betray the fact that this is 1:100.
15 March 2017, 13:38

Thank you very much, gentlemen, you are very kind. Well, fenders holders were one of the priorities on my list, but unfortunately, I had to refuse it, because I was sure, it´s above my skills=experience with homemade PEs and I was sure, there is no happy end for this case. And wheels , it was a REAL dissapointing for me, I saw no possibility how to replace them and to upgrade them to the level of upper hull, for instance. 😮 🙂
15 March 2017, 21:21
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In comparison with Crusader (Zvezda,1/100) I was dissapointed with quality of details of lower hull and wheels. I made towing cables + lugs(front), rework rear lugs, drill gun, light, exhausts, add new horn+wire, add new front machinegun, reshape lines around rear machinegun. I intebded to drill holes into the fenders holders, but considering my tools and lack of experience with creating my own PE parts I refused it. 😮