Tamiya Prince of Wales in
Photo 1 of 14
1 24 October 2017, 04:19

Thanks Martin. She should be floating on a sea of tears!!
24 October 2017, 06:02

Thanks Mac. It's on display in a mate's lounge room and gets looked at every day.
15 January 2018, 05:54

Frank, I would LOVE to tell you that it was all hand painted but, I must confess it is an aftermarket accessory. I did an excellent job in removing the backing before sticking it down though!
16 January 2018, 22:36

Tim, I have a mate who goes by the nickname of Termite. His real name is Norwood.
16 January 2018, 22:37

Brad, as you won't let me take that H2R for a ride I will rejoice in the fact that my ship is bigger than your ship!
18 January 2018, 04:02

Peter. What a treat to see the care you have taken to bring all that deck timber alive.👍
Not only there on the main deck, but the dorries as well. 🙂
18 January 2018, 05:15

The deck timber really looks the goods, I intend to buy some for my Tamiya 1/350 Bismarck.
18 January 2018, 11:16

Make sure you rough up the plastic Jason. It sticks better that way!
18 January 2018, 11:21

Peter, I have to say that's a great piece of work, but as soon as you get your chalk skills dialed you can hit those stacks with it!
21 January 2018, 23:08

Already off loaded to a workmate who loved model ships. Made me cry every time I looked at it!
21 January 2018, 23:57
Album info
First ship ever and a very steep learning curve!!