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Alberto Traverso (2096albertot)



20 April 2018, 03:11
Rene Scheiblich
That's one mean-looking kitty. Nice job 👍
 20 April 2018, 04:38
Alberto Traverso Schrijver
thank you Rene
 20 April 2018, 04:58
Peter Hardy
You have outdone yourself Alberto! I can feel the ground rumbling as I looked at the too few pics. Post a few more please??????
 20 April 2018, 05:24
Well done. Great late war camouflage 👍
 20 April 2018, 06:00
Rene Scheiblich
May I ask what you used for the metallic edges? Lead pencil or some superfine metallic paint?

And what happened to the motorcycle in the kit?😉
 20 April 2018, 07:24
Peter Hardy
Trust you Rene! What motorcycle?
 20 April 2018, 07:30
Rene Scheiblich
Isn't this the kit with the Krad and Figures?
 20 April 2018, 07:55
Seriously good looking paint and weathering! I agree with Peter, more pictures please! And WIP too 🙂
 20 April 2018, 08:02
Palo G
Great patina. looks very real 🙂
 20 April 2018, 12:10
Peter Hardy
Bloody awesome build Alberto! You are a bit af an armour factory and I love all of them. Keep 'me coming! Please?
 20 April 2018, 21:44
Alberto Traverso Schrijver
thank you
 20 April 2018, 22:33
Rene Scheiblich
Nice WIP pics also.
Ammo Steel... That might come in handy. Thanks Alberto!
 21 April 2018, 11:37
Tim Heimer
Nice work Alberto!
 21 April 2018, 12:00
Alberto Traverso Schrijver
thank you 🙂
 22 April 2018, 10:22
Alberto Traverso Schrijver
thanks James
 24 January 2019, 05:28
Rui S
Really nice model. Great weathering 👍
 25 January 2019, 01:38
Jaap De Boer
Looks great, nice paintjob!
 26 January 2019, 08:57

Project info

5 afbeeldingen
1:35 King Tiger Ardennes Front (Tamiya 35252)No Swastikas Template (Verlinden Productions 1394)
Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. B King Tiger (Henschel)
3R Waffen SS (1933-1945)
s.SS-Pz.Abt. 501 008
1944 World War 2»Battle of the Bulge (Ardennenoffensive) - Ardennes BE
RAL7028 Dark Yellow RAL6003 Olive Green RAL8017 Red Brown Ambush

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