Battle of Trafalgar Quarterdeck diorama
14 October 2018, 07:23

A very spectacular scene Brian. Nicely done. Congratulations!
14 October 2018, 08:35

Thank you Stefan for your comment I was looking to do something different for a change and found historical figures are a lot more work than I realised !
14 October 2018, 10:04

Really interesting to see the details in this scale, where such things probably can't be made in say 1:200 scale. 🙂
14 October 2018, 10:23

That's true plus 1:200 gonna be a strain on my old eyes, plenty of references on internet butstriking the balance of too much and just enough
14 October 2018, 15:45
Album info
120mm (1/16) figures and cannon by victory miniatures quarter deck and gun port scratched built.