Molar Marauder Dual build ALL DONE!
1 21 December 2018, 00:57

OK, so this one is going to make its way into the que soon. If you take a look at the inventory, you will see a set of decals from Two Bobs. This is another Viet Nam oddity that goes right with the toilet bowl A-1. I will scan the text from the decal packet and post a pic of it. The story is very amusing.
And Peter, technically NOT a sharks mouth. LMAO
21 December 2018, 01:00

Hey everyone! This many folks, I may have to start in on it earlier than I was thinking. LOL I need to get the canopy frame decals but thats about it.
Dave, you would think they would. They did 48 and 32 on this sheet. Wouldnt be too much to do 72.
Peter, LOL. Thought you might find it amusing sir.😉
21 December 2018, 21:38

Well, this little project just got very interesting. I was perusing the contents of the Hasegawa kit. It has decals for two SEA planes with shark mouths. One of which is...THE SAME PLANE. LOL Tail #71-354. Evidently AFTER this incident.
So, I started thinking it would be kind of neat to do both. The aborted molar scheme and then (I am sure Peter will love this) do the plane with the shark mouth it actually flew with. So I dragged out the old Esci kit I have to see if it is close enough in size (because we all know 1/48 is NOT the same size from one manufacturer to another. Though it should be) to use the Hasegawa decals. Guess what???? The Esci kit is THE SAME PLANE. LOL Just the decals in that kit are toast. So this may turn into a two build project.
24 December 2018, 04:10

Here is a build (in Greek, but the pictures are ok) of this particular 5 minute lasting scheme:
24 December 2018, 13:15

Maciej, thanks! Even not being able to read it it's cool to see what someone else did with it.
Peter, you know I gotta do it. For the sake of history you know.
24 December 2018, 21:38

So the Esci kit is the right size, so I am thinking I will do both. Just there is NOTHING to the Esci cock pit.
Merry Christmas my friends!
25 December 2018, 14:55

Well, I have a couple Verlinden ejection seats I picked up along the way. I think I can mange with an Eduard Zoom set and plasticard. Maybe. If not, I like the way the wolfpack cockpit looks. I will likely go with that if I go that route. Thanks for the info Hans!
26 December 2018, 02:53

Of topic: what is that in your avatar Donald? I tried to read it, but can't. Some kind of certificate or diploma?
26 December 2018, 09:55

Donald, at this stage I would like to highlight the fact that I have never met Martin Oostrom and formally disassociate myself from the above remark which I believe to be both inappropriate and insensitive, especially if it is true. Bad Martin!
26 December 2018, 11:30

I was quite proud when I received said diploma. If Donald recently receives his, he should be proud as well!
26 December 2018, 11:38

ROFLMAO You guys are killing me here. Thanks, I needed that laugh. Truly. 🙂
That is my "diploma" for making Master Modeller in 1/48 Aircraft with my local IPMS chapter.
26 December 2018, 18:37

As for my tying my shoe laces...that's why they make velcro.
26 December 2018, 18:38

OK, so I got my order from Sprue Brothers. The colored PE, some FOD covers, canopy out lines and a resin cock pit from Wolfpack. This was to be used in the Esci kit. Long story short, that thing would need SO much work to be decent that I trashed it. Not ever going to be worth my time or effort. So now I can either get another kit, or use the Revell A-7A I have and paint it as a D and call it a day. IF the cockpit set will work in it...
15 January 2019, 01:24

OK, so I broke out the cock pit stuff. The Revell is on the left, the Hasegawa with a Verlinden resin seat on the right. I can grind off the belts on the revell seat and use the PE from the zoom. The PE control panel will go in the Hasegawa and divide up detail parts between the two.
I think. Maybe. And use the Wolfpak pit for a different build in the future. Maybe.
15 May 2019, 03:12

OK, so I went with doing the kit stuff with some PE for the Revell and the Verlinden bang seat, PE control panel and the rest kit for the Hasegawa. If the Revell seat wasnt a part of the tub I would have used the other Verlinden seat.
3 June 2019, 03:56

Both fuselages together, wings on. Some rough sanding done. Puttying up next. But after work on the fire truck.
22 June 2019, 02:32

I have not forgotten about these. They both are pretty much assembled and top sides primed.
22 August 2019, 02:36

So the painting has begun. As always, I do the tan first for the SEA camo. I am trying to get them as close to the same as I can just eyeballing it. I dont have any easy way to make exact duplicate masks, so close is gonna have to work.
3 October 2019, 02:52

Oh, opinions please. Every pic I have seen of the A-7Ds in Nam the dark green area look more like a black green to me. Much darker than other USAF planes. Thoughts?
3 October 2019, 02:53

It was the same when I did my A-26K. In many of the pictures the dark green looked REALLY dark. I ended up just adding a tiny bit of RLM70 to the FS34079. It ended up helping once the weathering began.
3 October 2019, 03:11

It all depended on what company built the aircraft used in SEA, as I do believe there was no 'standard' colour configuration set out by the govt.
Just as long as it had a disruptive cammo pattern like all the others. And, I really don't know, but just surmising. 😉
3 October 2019, 03:13

I have noticed in photos also that the colors varied between aircraft, especially the greens, so I guess anywhere close is cool.
3 October 2019, 21:26

Clifford, that is the best way at times, as the weather conditions in SEA are pretty harsh, especially where "Mad dog's and Englishmen go out in the mid day sun. " hahahahahaha
3 October 2019, 22:22

OK, so I simply took the standard dark green and added black a bit at a time until I got what looked good to my eye. I have plenty of touching up to do, but I like how it came out.
4 October 2019, 00:38

Camo looks great. Color variations will be present from aircraft to aircraft.
7 October 2019, 13:47

Thank you gentlemen. 🙂
Touch ups done. Intakes smoothed out further and re painted. Nose masked off and sprayed gloss black. Gloss coat on. Now to let all that set until tomorrow night and decals begin.
8 October 2019, 03:14

Oh, about the last pic. I was a cargo plane guy. I know a tad bit about ordinance, but not nearly as much as many of you. So guys and gals, what is on that wing? I know the fuel tank. But what is that pod and which bombs are those? And what do you think the other side would be? Simple repeat of the same?
8 October 2019, 03:51

One is a thingy and the other is a thingtoo and both are for things?
8 October 2019, 05:59

So, started the decal work for the Molar plane. This is the Hasegawa kit. Decals are going on fairly well. BUT...
I actually paid attention to the kit decals from the Hasegawa kit. They are yellowed. I need THAT planes markings. Luckily Furball makes a SLUF set that has both versions of the plane, the Molar and the later shark mouth. Someone there was thinking along my lines. LOL So I will order them Fri.
9 October 2019, 03:19

Looking forward to see that nice SLUF be finished 🙂 looking very good 👍
9 October 2019, 17:52

Hans, that link was especially enlightening. Hasegawa should come out with a set of all the SUUs.
9 October 2019, 23:22

OK, so all the decals in the Molar set are on. Just have to stencils now. Mostly just NO STEP markings. Started working on the boring bits. Sprayed the landing gear parts and the gear doors.
10 October 2019, 02:44

Thank you Jos. 🙂
Received the set from Furball. Wow! There are enough stencils in this for two planes and like 9 different sets of markings. I am going to be forced to do another one later. Decaling on the Revell kit started.
17 October 2019, 02:37

Clifford, soon here I hope. 🙂
So, I am not sure how I just didnt register this, but the Revell kit is an A and evidently the A had a refueling probe whereas the Ds had a top side receptacle. I TOTALLY didnt register this though I obviously saw it. And when it came time to decal it finally registered in my brain. So, I had to fill in the hole and remove the raised area the probe rested in. Then repaint. Just making it difficult on myself. So most decals but for stencils are done.
22 October 2019, 02:24

No true satisfaction without some suffering!
Some proper recovery done 👍
22 October 2019, 15:56

Looking good though. The A was a Navy bird. The D was the only Air Force variant and yes the D had the regular Air Force refueling recpt. Where the Navy ones used a retractable boom and were refueled using a probe and drogue. I can't believe I did not see that also, as I sure saw enough Navy A-7's. LOL. So don't beat yourself up about it. I have the Revell "A" also. Have always wanted to do a "D". I have pondered how to convert the Revell A, into a D. 15.00 bucks sure is better than 50.00 60.00 or 70.00 bucks.
23 October 2019, 01:43

I got the Hasegawa D for like 30 bucks. Aside from the refueling thing, I dont see any real differences. I am sure an A-7 crew chief will now come along and point out 174 things that are different.
23 October 2019, 03:25

So the Hasegawa is mostly done. Weapons and some little bits. Now to get the Revell to this point and I will do all the weapons at one time.
10 November 2019, 04:33

I think the dental department may have screwed up the order for the new teeth requisition mate. 😉
10 November 2019, 04:39

Peter, the sharks mouth version will be up soon. Dont fret.😉
Kerry, I cant believe that guy thought this would look good.
11 November 2019, 02:01

I love it Donald. !!! I was making a tongue in cheek comment really. Leave it there. 👍 🙂
11 November 2019, 02:18

So, after putting the brackets on the MERS and the pylons I can confidently say I do NOT have the patience to do ships. About 100 times the small parts. NOPE.
So I got to work on the Revell kit. Now I know I have to cut off the catapult bar on the front landing gear. BUT, they made the part backwards! You can see in the pic the gear is in and it can only go in one way. And that way is backwards. So I have to cut off the pin and do a flat butt join. Yay.
12 November 2019, 04:09

OK, the Revell plane is to the same point. I am working on tanks, bombs and missiles, Oh my. Both will end up with canopies open. Couple other little things. Next pics will be of the end result.
See Peter? I didnt let you down. 😄
19 November 2019, 02:37

OK, so the Revell bird is done. It lacks the detail of the Hasegawa kit such as antennae and the like. But its not a bad representation. At least aside from the weapons. They are sad versions of Mark 82s and I am not sure what the bigger ones are supposed to be, but I painted them OD and hung em. The way the kit has the spots to mount the pylons, you are forced to have the TERs on the 1 and 8 spots. That precluded my doing what I wanted to so I just went with the kit stuff. Now to finish the Hasegawa half.
26 November 2019, 04:31

These birds did some serious heavy haulin'.
Armed to the maulers!
First one looks very well done
26 November 2019, 07:08

OK, this one is a wrap. I totally screwed the pooch on the Hasegawa kit in many ways. Not gonna get into it, but trust me, I did. LOL Regardless, neither looks awful, and it is an interesting subject. I didnt put a lot on the Molar version as it never got off the ground with those markings. Hell, it never even taxied looking like that. LOL So I was fine with minimal load out.
On to the F-5 for the aggressor build.
4 December 2019, 04:36

All in all Donald, they are still something most unusual and worth keeping. 👍 😉
4 December 2019, 06:51

Look good to me. If you are happy with them then they are good. I like the difference in the teeth.
4 December 2019, 15:53

Thank you gentlemen!
Nathan, get the Man Eater SLUFs decal set listed in the project inventory. Its got enough to do two of just about any plane one would want to do.
4 December 2019, 21:29

Why would anyone awake think that design would look scary/decent?
Lovely job Donald. What's next?
4 December 2019, 21:35

Martin, I have no idea why that guy thought it was a good design. LOL I wish we had his side of it.
Next is the 1/72 F-5 for the aggressor build.
4 December 2019, 23:01