Bart Goesaertsplendid work, not only the build, but also the pain and weathering...
19 June 2019, 15:24
NeulingSehr schön anzusehen!
19 June 2019, 15:59
Robert Percy SchrijverThank you kind Sirs!
20 June 2019, 06:14
Dominik KVery nice work! Perfect inspiration for my old Chevy I´ve got in my stash 🙂
21 October 2019, 13:22
Robert Percy SchrijverThank you Dominik!
21 October 2019, 16:08
OlivierQuite interesting result you achieved.
21 October 2019, 18:13
Robert Percy SchrijverThank you Olivier, I'm still learning... 😉
21 October 2019, 19:17
OlivierAren't we all...
21 October 2019, 21:03