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Christopher Ellul (Chupajs)

Right on target


7 October 2019, 05:07
Jim J
Nice explosion scene! I like the way the truck is impacted with the blast.
 7 October 2019, 06:07
Christopher Ellul Schrijver
thanks, appreciate it
 7 October 2019, 06:32
Erik De Smet
Very Well rond diorama. Is there a motor in the P47 to spin. The propeller?
 7 October 2019, 07:06
Christopher Ellul Schrijver
thanks a lot, really appreciate it and yes there is a small motor
 7 October 2019, 07:54
nice explosion effect
 11 February 2020, 07:09
Christopher Ellul Schrijver
thanks, appreciate it
 11 February 2020, 08:43

Album info

bombing of a small hut

20 afbeeldingen
1:72 Republic P47D Thunderbolt (Airfix 02055-6)

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