Model Paint Storage
Photo 1 of 13
1 26 January 2020, 18:26

Mostly just experimenting with creating my first Scalemates photo album, showing the construction of a model paints storage rack. There is no wall or desk space near my hobby area due to 3D printers, laser printers, and other equipment, so it's to be hung inconspicuously behind the door to the hobby room. Made from white-primed 1/2" MDF board, it measures 30" W x 36" tall with shelves on a 4" pitch (3-1/2" spacing)....except the first and last shelves which are slightly shorter (for Model Master paints) and taller (for miscellaneous containers taller than 3" ). The front side is facing the table so it's flat on the front and all unevenness and defects from cutting are on the backside (facing up during construction). It's being assembled with glued wood dowels and will be attached to the wall with metal brackets. More pics to come as I learn how to use the Scalemates photo albums.
26 January 2020, 18:34

Looks good! I wanted a portable rack so I can carry all my crap anywhere, like in the garden when it's warm & sunny so I got one of
26 January 2020, 19:48

Experimenting with adding a second image to the photo album. Not functioning as expected so more tinkering is needed to learn the non-intuitive nuances. Do people usually put their more-recent photos towards the front of an album or arrange photos chronologically within an album? Anyway, the second side is now glued and next will be (maybe) adding trim to the front for a more "finished" look. I hate MDF and would not recommend it as the material to use for something like this. It's heavy and weak, and if I knew in the store what I know now I would have bought pine or some other "real" wood.
28 January 2020, 04:55

Also, anybody know why it says "added a new photoalbum" when what I really did was add a new photo to an existing photo album? (Yep, "photo album" is the correct spelling. "photoalbum" is not a real word.)
28 January 2020, 05:11

The paint rack is looking good.
Pictures can be arranged any way you like, there has been some debate over the order in which they appear. Oldest first or newest first both have supporters, so now it's up to you. As for the spelling 😄, drop the admin a message so he can correct it. Best put it here: SCM Data suggestions
28 January 2020, 06:47

Thank you. It makes sense to me that photos would be ordered chronologically within an album, but the Newsfeed shows newer/later photos when updated for new photos added (which is not synonymous with new photo album added). After more exploring I have discovered where the "teaser image" can be selected, so the same picture isn't repeated in the Newsfeed each time new photos are added to an album.
28 January 2020, 14:25

Hi Mike. Few tips regarding photo albums, in case you have not come across these. You already figured out the teaser image option, I find that useful for the purpose you already described.
Photo album behavior in the newsfeed:
Once you edit the album (add pics, annotate, etc), the photo album makes it to the top of the newsfeed. No commenters are notified. To invoke notification, a comment needs to be added to the photo album (I.e, if you want the followers of your album to know you uploaded new pics, post something in the comments).
If you don't want an album to make it to the news feed, simply delete it from it. This action is not reversible. It will stay on your album tab, comments can still be added, but no additional edits will make it visible in newsfeed.
Once the album is created, it is displayed in the newsfeed immediately (sort of). I always try to have my "ducks in the row" before posting an album, so I don't have a fragmented album in the newsfeed. I wish there was a "publish" function for albums.
Cheers, and happy modeling 👍
28 January 2020, 15:16

Thanks for the tips! I too try to align my ducks before making things public, but occasionally one (or a few) likes to break formation and do their own thing, not getting noticed until proof-reading the 4th or 5th time. I like the idea of a "Publish" function so you can get an album shipshape before the world sees it. I was going to suggest that you add it to SCM Features, but Mr. Speed Typist over there has already done it! 🙂
28 January 2020, 15:31

I decided to add the shelf facings (simple moulding) since it helps them look more "finished" and will keep neighboring bottles from falling off when accessing the paints. It should also help keep the shelves from any sagging as they get loaded up with bottles.
28 January 2020, 20:08

Got it done and hung on the wall, filling an empty space behind the door. Also sharing my 3D printing workbench. The modeling workbench is undergoing remodel at the moment and delayed by setting up a new device requiring a lot of translation since the user manual is all in Japanese.
31 January 2020, 05:11

Maybe an idea to add meaningful spacers? Being, loose items you can place between bottles, to more easily see some particular segment of colors.
31 January 2020, 09:47

Yeah I haven't decided yet how they'll be grouped within each brand - either by logical themes, "rainbow" progression, or sorted by product item numbers. Color names on the jars are sometimes WAY too tiny for me to read without magnification (like the small Testors jars), so later when I start buying more paints from Vallejo and Tamiya the plan is to either put labels on the shelf fronts (we have a Brother label maker machine), or preferably labelled color swatches on the shelf fronts like you see on hobby store paint racks.
31 January 2020, 15:56

I have my paints on a rack, trying to have reds on one row, blue on another, green, black and whatnot on other rows. 🙂
31 January 2020, 16:27

@JD, those are rare, hard to find Medicom Real Action Heros collectibles from Japan, over $100 each. Sorry, not for sale.
29 June 2020, 04:50

I finally decided on a way of labeling the shelves such that they can be moved around as needed.
15 August 2020, 22:29
Album info
Custom homemade shelving for storing model paints.