Photo 1 of 21
11 5 May 2020, 23:05

Thanks! This is only my second model with an airbrush and I learned so much on the first, I really hope the corsair turns out well!
23 May 2020, 20:15

I thought I was doing something really cool by painting the exposed part of the flaps aluminum...and then right after I did it I went and looked at a bunch of pictures only to discover that I couldn't find a single picture that looked like that. All the flaps were painted - either because they were painted as parts in the factory before assembly or because they droop when the hydraulics aren't powered. By the time I realized my mistake I decided it'd be way too much work to undo it so I'm leaving it as-is. Oh well, live and learn.
2 August 2020, 18:24

Nice job. Are there any rules for where the 2 blues border each other, as in, do you eyeball it or is there a masking scheme? Also I see you've painted over the transparent piece on the underside of the fuselage, I'm just at priming stage so wondering if that's a viewport for the pilot or not! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your model, helps me get motivated for mine!
3 October 2021, 15:26

Sorry I missed your comment for so long. I don't think there's a super set spot where the transition has to happen - I've seen a little bit of variety in wartime photos. As long as it's in that ballpark I think it works. I actually tried a couple of different techniques with mixed results before settling on cutting out a stencil of the basic shape out of card stock and holding it in place with a third hand ~3/4" from the model and airbrushing. Gave me some nice soft lines that turned out way better than the putty method, at least.
14 February 2022, 22:18

No worries! Thanks for the tip, I ended up brush painting mine and say, sorta eyeballing it! The results worked well for you, have to say.
21 February 2022, 19:00