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Василий Сапронов (npumapx)

Петр Великий

Photo 1 of 33


10 21 June 2020, 02:44
Oh the radar photo etch stuff looks very nice, or fun to look at.

Is the anchor chain included in the kit, or, what aftermarket product is that again?
 21 June 2020, 12:32
Василий Сапронов Schrijver
Нет, якорьцепь была куплена отдельно как и сами якоря
 21 June 2020, 12:38
Lex Jassies
Looks good 🙂. Incredible that you solder all the etch work 👍
 7 February 2022, 10:14
Lochsa River
 7 February 2022, 10:44

Project info

33 afbeeldingen
Lopend project
1:350 Piotr Velikiy PE-detail set (Microdesign MD 350211)1:350 Russian Cruiser Pyotr Velikiy (Trumpeter 04522)

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