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Kim Branders (kim)

Belgian Mirage The BlackBird


17 4 October 2020, 19:25
Kim Branders Schrijver
Injection seat done.
 7 October 2020, 06:21
Kim Branders Schrijver
Working on the decals. Grtz Kim.
 9 October 2020, 19:48
Stefan Fraundorfer
It's going to be a very interesting mirage. Count me in.
 10 October 2020, 06:26
Kim Branders Schrijver
Thanks Stefan, decals done.
 11 October 2020, 22:57
Kim Branders Schrijver
Finished 🙂
 12 October 2020, 10:13
Erik De Smet
 12 October 2020, 10:53
Kim Branders Schrijver
Dank U Erik.
 12 October 2020, 11:27
Łukasz Gliński
Very nice bird 👍
 12 October 2020, 13:24
Kim Branders Schrijver
Thanks Lukasz.
 12 October 2020, 20:30
Kim Branders Schrijver
Final pictures.
 21 October 2020, 13:51
Patrick Hagelstein
Did I see that correct in picture 14, did you have to apply white decals under the yellow ones? Understandable, but nerve racking to get aligned properly. 👍
 21 October 2020, 14:08
Kim Branders Schrijver
Yes Patrick indeed, nerve racking. It took a couple of hours but I am happy with the end result.
 21 October 2020, 18:36
Stefan Schacht
very nice 👍
 21 October 2020, 18:40
Erik Leijdens
Great work!!
 21 October 2020, 18:44
Patrick Hagelstein
I can imagine! Both on the nerve racking part and on the being happy with the result part. 😉
 21 October 2020, 19:40
Kim Branders Schrijver
Thanks guys.
 22 October 2020, 13:38

Project info

42 afbeeldingen
1:72 AMD Mirage V BA/BR (PJ Production 721027)

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