Mig-25PD WIP
Photo 1 of 96
12 1 November 2020, 20:32

Really nice progress. 👍 Looks like it wasn't an easy kit, at least regarding the aftermarket (know a thing or two about it, lol). But great detailwork and paintwork, looking forward to the final look!
2 November 2020, 22:42

Thank you very much for the kind words. It wasn't easy, but It wasn't that difficult as well. The major problem was, that the nozzle resin set was for the newer release of the ICM Mig-25. A bit of planning, sanding, fitting, filling and more sanding. Its been a pleasure to work on this kit.
10 November 2020, 19:54

I almost missed this one. Glad you mentioned it in your post on the P-47.
10 November 2020, 19:56

Have mine still waiting on the shelf. Thanks for that awesome inspiration!
10 November 2020, 21:06