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Alexander N (Viva_Calman)

Matilda WIP


15 6 February 2021, 14:05
Nice! Do you paint it with the blue camo pattern?
 12 February 2021, 20:33
Alexander N Schrijver
Thank you, Tini Hendriks, yes, I want to paint the Caunter camo scheme🙂
 13 February 2021, 07:59
Ben M
Watching... I'm building this kit as well right now, but not doing the kind of extra detailing that you are.
 13 February 2021, 15:22
Bear in mind that the Caunter scheme wasn't blue – it was a silver-grey colour. The Bovington Tank museum thought the faded silver-grey looked like pale blue and repainted it with the wrong colour… and then Tamiya and pretty much everyone else, copied them.
If you Google 'Caunter scheme' it will show you the correct colours.
But… if you like the blue then go for it.😉
 13 February 2021, 15:33
Alexander N Schrijver
gorbygould, yeah, I know about this moment, thank you🙂 I did some research before I started this build
 13 February 2021, 15:38
My fault by calling it "blue" :-p
 13 February 2021, 23:33
Bogicevic Vladimir
If I can add that color pattern on Tamiya plan is wrong, too. Caunter scheme is basically always the same. Pattern on the upper back side of the engine compartment should go all the way to the back. And, Caunter scheme was hand painted and there ara no perfectly straight lines, they didn't use the tape as we do.
 14 February 2021, 11:11
Bogicevic Vladimir
Almost forgot to say - great job so far!
 14 February 2021, 11:13
Alexander N Schrijver
Bogicevic Vladimir, thanks for the information. I will keep it in mind then I'll start painting🙂
 14 February 2021, 12:55
Bart Goesaert
Nice detailing on this one
 16 February 2021, 13:06
Alexander N Schrijver
Thank you, Bart Goesaert🙂
 16 February 2021, 13:28
Ben M
Watching as I'm building one as well. I found the fit of the parts on this kit to be very precise. So far it's been very enjoyable, hope you find it the same.
 7 March 2021, 17:42
Alexander N Schrijver
Ben M, yes, the plastic is great. I don't have any troubles with fitting and assembly. So I create all my troubles myself 🙂
 7 March 2021, 18:04
Ben M
The problems I have are when the cat visits my workbench when I am not around. The rear view mirror keeps getting broken off and the radio antenna gets bent
 7 March 2021, 19:52
Alexander N Schrijver
Sad to hear, but I think that cats love panzers too🙂 Anyway, I think this parts are easy to repair or scratch build
 7 March 2021, 22:18
Michael Osadciw
Nice; I've got that one on the list of my North Africa dioramas. Looking good.
 14 May 2021, 14:32
Alexander N Schrijver
Thank you, Michael Osadciw🙂
 14 May 2021, 15:29
Rui S
Very nice work, looking great 👍
 22 May 2021, 21:45

Project info

92 afbeeldingen
1:35 Matilda Mk.III/IV (Tamiya 35300)1:35 Early Barrels for British infantry tanks Valentine Mk.II to VII or Matilda Mk.III/IV (Aber 35 L-226)1:35 Metal Tracks for Matilda (Flat Type - Late) (MasterClub MTL35185)

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