Leopard 2PL
Photo 1 of 166
63 15 April 2021, 18:18

Leopard 2PL - Part One: Basic turret armor.
Hey guys, i have started a new job a few weeks ago and don't have enough time right now for weathering of my D9R project. Can do that only on weekends. 🙁
So i decided to start a new project: Leopard 2PL.
Something that i can build in the evening for 1-2 hours every day. This one started as a test run to see if i can convert an MENG Leo 2A4 turret into the Leo 2PL. You know, one of this project that no one will know about, if you mess it up. ?
It took me about 3 weeks to build the basic structure of the turret armor. I used 0,5mm plastic sheets to scratchbuild it.
To answer the question, that maybe some of you will have: Yes, i got all the measurements down on paper and will post them after i finished the build.
Next part will be the two rear bins.
Stay tuned.
15 April 2021, 18:23

Finished the turret rear stowage boxes. Until now, they were the easiest part of the build. 😄
Working right now on the turret front and side appliqué armor.
9 May 2021, 10:50

That's some great scratchbuilding, Ingo. 👍
The anit-slip surface looks really nice.
9 May 2021, 11:27

Smoke Discharger and turret front/side appliqué armor done.
Not much to say on this one. Only the hinges are missing for the appliqué armor. I can build them only after the side armor is glued to the turret. But for this one i need to add the the anti-slip surface to the turret first.
Next part will be overall detailing of the turret and the final part of the turret build.
24 May 2021, 15:52

With such a great turret, I am looking forward to the rest of the tank! 👍
6 June 2021, 17:29

I already saw it on Leopardmania, but what an impressive project! Have you decided on the camouflage yet? I personally really like the Polish three-tone camouflage scheme.
8 June 2021, 16:54

Nope, still not sure if it will be overall green or the polish three-tone. I tend for the three-tone, as i already bought the needed colors. 😄
8 June 2021, 17:15

Awesome detailing mate. The anti-slip coating looks particularly well done 👍
8 June 2021, 18:08

Thanks mate! Hull Tex from VMS a good solution for anti slip surface and easy to use.
8 June 2021, 18:21

i may have asked you before.... but what do you use for antislip surfaces?
5 July 2021, 19:37

Thanks mate! 🙂
I used Hul Tex from VMS for the antislip surface.
Very good product and easy to use. Bought it a few years ago and still have about 2/3 left.
5 July 2021, 20:23

The build is finally completed. Took me only 3 1/2 months of work. 😄
15 July 2021, 18:03

Congrats, Ingo! I'd say it was well worth the effort, it looks awesome. I can't get enough of that turret's shape.
Now off to painting and weathering! 😄
If you don't mind me asking, how exactly are you able to achieve this precise work on the plastic sheets? Drawing and cutting. It's on of the most basic things to do, but I struggle a lot.
15 July 2021, 18:58

Thanks mate!
Actually, like you said: Measure and cut.
Some would say that you should start with simple objects, but I have never done that. I started with difficult objects and tried until I was satisfied with the result.
I didn't master the technique perfectly and I still make mistakes. Sometimes such that I have to think how the hell I did it. 😄
I usually proceed as follows:
I look at the object from all sides, if possible, and measure it.
Then, before I make a part, I think long and hard about how I can divide it up so that the individual parts don't have complicated shapes and I can glue them together easily.
Then draw, cut out and if necessary, file.
Thats it. 🙂
11 August 2021, 12:07

Awesome, you took great care with painting as well. 👍
Nice job, Ingo.
12 September 2021, 13:16

KMW to Ingo: come start working with us monday!
amazing stuff mate, really nice result. also big huge 👍 for documenting the progress, really adds a lot seeing how much thought and effort went into the scratchbuilding, brilliant.
12 September 2021, 14:45

Outstanding looking build Ingo. You've put a ton of time and effort into it and it shows 👍
12 September 2021, 17:57

A fantastic result! The camouflage really makes it look even more impressive
12 September 2021, 18:28

Nice work, I can feel that you put a lot energy into it and it paid off at last!
23 November 2021, 13:06

Ingo, I look at your projects and think - you have to make your armor building youtube channel, cause your models are masterpieces and modelers have rights to see, how you make them 🙂
18 August 2022, 13:06

I am beyond impressed. Can't wait to see the progression and final reveal!! This is awesome!
19 August 2022, 02:43

looks very nice 😠
I wish i has skills to scratch build armor like that. I also would want to build 2Pl and 2SG.
Can I ask what you used for those anti-skid panels?
12 March 2023, 02:18

Almost a pity to hide all this impressive scratch building and multimedua beauty under paint.
31 March 2023, 11:21

May I ask where you got your VMS stuff from? I was looking for it but couldn't find a distributor in Germany.
31 March 2023, 11:22

Thank you guys! 🙂
@Michael: I order directly from their site. Shipping costs are $7.90 and it takes about 4 days to arrive.
31 March 2023, 14:53

Sorry mate, it's been too long, I honestly don't know what colors I used back then. I'll have a look, but I can't promise anything.
22 April 2024, 08:10

Maybe a suggestion concerning VMS stuff: ths shop super-hobby.de has them listed too. Shipping is less expensive there - and you can get other stuff too.
22 April 2024, 11:35

Yeah, I now order through the store too. As you said, you can also combine shipping with other model building stuff. 😄
22 April 2024, 12:27