Cerberus and SAFS Space Type 1/76
Photo 1 of 50
14 16 April 2021, 20:56

Thanks! 😄 Once I get my Payen ready I will start the Cerberus. SAFS was the bottleneck of this project and now it seems achievable.
16 April 2021, 22:10

I have been putting off building all my Ma.K. stuff for so long now waiting for the imaginary "someday" when I'm good enough to do them justice ?
16 April 2021, 23:36

Cerberus got its base color airbrushed. SAFS are still waiting because I want to paint them with brush and I have a high threshold for that.
12 May 2021, 18:59

Cerberus is soon ready and SAFS needs weathering. For the missing base I bought a painting frame from a flea market and DAS paste.
23 May 2021, 20:58

SAFS are ready and the base is probably ready. Only some minor details like nameplate.
3 June 2021, 17:45

Can you tell the story behind what is happening here, in the Yokoyama universe? I need your report, soldier.
4 June 2021, 07:14

Sure, JD 😎 It is the end of July 2885 (probably, from HobbyJapan 1983/9) when IMA patrol of SAFS Fireballs are advancing towards Pluto on the Moon. Pluto is a remnant artificial intelligence from World War IV, that has established a base where it is building itself and its forces from old scratch and junk. For defending itself it built Cerberus, a guard dog of the underworld.
The IMA patrol of Apple, Baker and Charlie encounter Cerberus and a very short fight breaks. SAFSs cannot damage Cerberus' armor and its laser cannon is too powerful. Baker gets wounded badly and they have to retreat. Cerberus then inspects the battle damage left by Baker and will use it to strengthen Pluto.
4 June 2021, 08:28

That's awesome S M! I hope I'm not stepping on your post here.
Anyone not seen the short film S.F.3.D. Original Video - NUTROCKER 1985?
Youtube Video

4 June 2021, 22:23

Thanks, Ralf, JD, Mike and Nathan! @JD Yes I have seen that short film and it gave a bit of inspiration here. Great visuals mut cheap plot.
5 June 2021, 07:00

This scene reminds me more of "A Short Peace - Farewell to Weapons" where the smaller armored suits are fighting a much larger and more heavily armed foe. Although that short film was set in a deserted city…
5 June 2021, 12:18

What can I say, great work and dio 😎
You hit the nail and bring the spirit of Ma.K. in your work ❤️️ it
5 June 2021, 15:13

Awesome small dio!
Looks fantastic, nice models and a interesting topic!
28 November 2021, 15:42
Album info
From Tenbowkissa kits. Cerberus OOB and SAFS modified to space type.