Invitation to Polish Aviation Museum in Kraków
Photo 1 of 61
29 11 May 2021, 06:12

Yes it is, Calvin 😉 You should visit this museum for sure.
14 December 2022, 21:04

I will certainly add it to my bucket list. But the list is getting longer and I am getting older! LOL
14 December 2022, 21:08

I am happy you like my photos. Frankly, it is one of my favourite places in Krakow 😉
17 December 2022, 16:33

That's something unusual indeed, Torsten. It is a pity that no model kit of this plane exists...
18 December 2022, 18:02

Me too 😉 BTW, take a look at this device:
18 December 2022, 18:12

Magic. Going to borrow the MiG 21 scheme for my Polandwing series. Thank you very much!
10 October 2023, 14:45

Thank you for sharing.Robert.I'll have to do Iskra, it was a strong motivation 🙂
10 October 2023, 15:26

Thanks for the photos Robert, it looks like it has a great collection.
Do you know what the aircraft in photo number 55 is? Looks very interesting.
10 October 2023, 16:29

Of course I know that, Gorby 🙂 It is a private-venture prototype of training jet plane: Unfortunately, only one was ever build and flown... The designer of this plane has also designed many interesting projects, like "Orka": ; or "Gniady": And now you have another reason to visit Poland... 😉
10 October 2023, 16:57

I love this plane, too. The anecdote about the "name" of this plane: "Belphegor", is that during the Aviation Fair at Le Bourget Polish delegation was asked about that. There was no official, manufacturer established name for it, save PZL M-15, but on Polish TV there was at the same time a series "The Phantom of the Louvre"... so "Belphegor" it is 😉
10 October 2023, 19:32

THX for sharing. Great museum, lots of interesting aircraft types.
Didn't you take pictures of the Saab J35 Draken too?
10 October 2023, 19:34

All my pleasure, Shar. I am just happy to see interest. I suppose I have some photos of Draken exhibited in Kraków, and the one in Prague in my archive, but here is the one from Vienna:
Guardians of Neutrality (from my archives) | Album by podkon
10 October 2023, 19:37

Bez wątpienia 🙂 (szczęśliwy zbieg okoliczności, że hitlerowcy ewakuowali akurat P.11c z berlińskiego muzeum w stronę Wrocławia...)
11 October 2023, 07:02