modelbouw databank | stash manager
Martin (malepo)

DFS 194


12 29 August 2021, 19:44
Daniel Klink
wow!!!! 👍👍👍
 29 August 2021, 19:51
Łukasz Gliński
Awesome. Love the wooden parts and the grass 👍
 29 August 2021, 20:17
How did the wing miss the oil drums on landing ? I know I am such a troll. Nice Dio.
 29 August 2021, 21:28
excellent job. specially in 1/72
 29 August 2021, 21:58
Ralf Topeters
The barrels were put there right after the landing of course! 😉 Nice little dio well made mate!!! 👍
 30 August 2021, 02:53
Martin Schrijver
Thanks a lot Gentlemen! very much appreciated
@Robbie, if it would have landed along that traces, there would be only one trace, as this lands on a single runner
 30 August 2021, 08:34
Simon Nagorsnik
This looks nice, unique theme, like the wood planking 👍
 3 September 2021, 14:16

Project info

5 afbeeldingen
1:72 DFS-194 (PM Model PM-215)

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