modelbouw databank | stash manager
Dmitry Melnikov (Ditrich)

Minerva Armoured Car (final)


57 27 September 2021, 06:30
Dietmar Bogatzki
Fantastic Job Dmitry 👍
 27 September 2021, 06:34
This looks real. Outstanding.
 28 September 2021, 16:05
Christian Bruer
Excellent work and finish 👍
 28 September 2021, 20:50
Dmitry Melnikov Schrijver
Thanks comrades! I am pleased with your assessment!
 28 September 2021, 20:58
Simply excellent. Totally realistic!!! Wow
 29 September 2021, 18:44
Rui S
Excellent as always 👍
 2 October 2021, 14:26
Top notch !
 2 October 2021, 19:32
Bruce Huxtable
My eye could wander over this for hours and still not get tired. This is better than superb!
 2 October 2021, 19:55
Bruce, I came back here because of your comment. And spent time again studying this album.... You have summed this piece of art up perfectly in my opinion. I totally agree 👍
 2 October 2021, 23:04
Robert Podkoński
I agree with Bruce and Neil here. Absolutely stunning!
 3 October 2021, 03:56
Lenny Hoffmann
Very nice and clean work! Well done!
 3 October 2021, 07:40
Dmitry Melnikov Schrijver
Thanks you for appreciating my work! That's nice to hear!
 3 October 2021, 08:57
Ricardo Reis
Love this! I also have a CSM car to build in my stash, great inspiration! Well done indeed! 👍 👍 👍
 3 October 2021, 09:19
A masterpiece. 👍👍👍
 3 October 2021, 09:40

Project info

55 afbeeldingen
1:35 Minerva Armoured Car (Copper State Models CSM35004)

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