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Robert Blokker (Rblokker)

Big game hunting

Photo 1 of 17


15 7 November 2021, 17:14
Villiers de Vos
Beautiful little dio.
 7 November 2021, 17:49
Simon Nagorsnik
That's high quality work mate!!
 7 November 2021, 21:09
Truly excellent!!! You are a diorama master!
 7 November 2021, 21:09
I really like the figures, well, I like it all
 7 November 2021, 21:10
I agree with everyone above. Very dynamic scene on this small base! 👍
 8 November 2021, 10:19
Nicely done. Looks great.
 8 November 2021, 11:12
Michael Kohl
that one too is massive!
 8 November 2021, 12:35
Robert Blokker Schrijver
Thanks all for the compliments. 👍👍
 8 November 2021, 18:47
Rui S
More words??? incredible 👍
 9 November 2021, 22:06
I think they got it ..very imaginative
 10 November 2021, 01:46

Album info

German anti tank team posing like victorian hunters with their latest battlefield kill
Meng Renault ft17, figures are a modified mix from icm mantis and meng. Groundwork scratchbuilt. Painting done with tamiya acrylics, humbrol enamel, oilpaints. Weathering done with a variety of products from several companies

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